Michigan teen fakes pregnancy with triplets for ten months
Police are investigating the case of a 16-year-old Michigan girl who convinced her boyfriend, friends and community she was expecting triplets–for ten months!–with help from FakeABaby.com.
“She gave me the story about micro preemies and how her doctor thought time would be better in there than time in the incubator,” the unnamed young woman’s boyfriend, Jordan, told WJBK in Detroit. “I started looking for jobs the best I could. I was ready to donate all my time.”
The would-be paternal grandmother and great-aunts also lent their support by organizing a baby shower. One aunt said, “The gifts, they couldn’t even open at the shower there was so much.”
Everyone said there initially wasn’t any reason to be suspicious. The “expectant mother” had an ultrasound that showed the babies–whom she planned to name Ivan, Alice and Isabella–and her belly was growing.
As time went on, however, there was a few red flags.
“I could not find the doctor and he could never go to the doctors with her,” said Krissy Wyrabkiewicz, Jordan’s mom.
Still, the family went along with it–until a woman from a Facebook support page the young woman was active on contacted them with some disturbing news: The ultrasound picture the young woman was using is the same one from known fraud perpetrators FakeABaby.com. The website also sells fake prescriptions, baby bumps, bra inserts and more.
They market their products as “the best gag gifts on earth” and say they are for entertainment purposes only.
Even when confronted, the young woman claimed she was pregnant and had a C-section scheduled. But the day before that was supposed to happen, she said she lost the babies and refused to go to the hospital. One of Jordan’s aunts then alerted the authorities.
“So, I told the hotline she has three babies that she’s supposed to be full term with, and she won’t go to the hospital and they don’t have heartbeats,” Jessica Adams said. “So, they sent detectives over there and she finally cracked and told the detectives that she lost them at six weeks.”
The young woman refused to talk to reporters, but her brother told them she didn’t even tell the family when she miscarried early on in her pregnancy. He said all of the gifts she received will be returned.
Police are investigating the case; they aren’t sure at this time if the young woman’s parents were in on it. Family members on the boyfriend’s side said they also want to shut down FakeABaby.com.
Krissy, who was expecting three new grandchildren, said, “That website needs to be out. Because, if she can do it that easy, anybody can.”