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Michael cites ‘cruel treatment’ by Angela, asks for spousal support in annulment answer

90 Day Fiancé Michael Ilesanmi files for divorce from Angela Deem, cites cruel treatment and abuse

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After star Michael Ilesanmi has filed an answer to Angela Deem’s annulment. Michael asks for a divorce and alleges Angela is guilty of “cruel treatment” as well as “physical and mental abuse” that “has occurred both privately and publicly.”

Michale Ilesanmi asks for divorce

Angela Deem filed for an annulment on June 20. She claimed that Michael “fraudulently induced Petitioner into a marriage for the purpose of gaining legal permanent resident status in the United States.”

More from the annulment filing:

After respondent abandoned the Petitioner, Petitioner discovered that the respondent was engaged in a conspiracy with other Nigerian men to induce US citizens into marriage for the purpose of gaining legal permanent resident status.

Michael denies the allegations of fraud in the answer:

Respondent denies that the Petitioner is entitled to an annulment as the parties entered into and continue to have a lawful marriage. Respondent denies that there has been fraud on his part at any time during their marriage. Respondent denies that he abandoned the Petitioner, but rather states that he fled an abusive situation for his own safety.

Michael further argues that his marriage to Angela was valid in his counterclaim for divorce:

The parties herein were lawfully married on or about January 27, 2020, in Lagos, Nigeria and have lived as husband and wife until their separation. The parties’ marriage was a result of a valid relationship entered into voluntarily by both of the parties.

The parties’ marriage meets the statutory requirements of a legal and valid marriage as set forth in O.C.G.A. § 19-3-1, which includes that the parties must have been able to enter into legal contracts in Georgia, have actually contracted with one another to enter the marriage, and they must have physically consummated the marriage. All of those elements have been met by the parties in this case.

The filing takes one more jab at Angela’s fraud claims in the summary at the end of the filing. Michael asks that “the Petitioner’s request for annulment be dismissed for being frivolous and baseless since she failed to include any statutory basis for the claim and because she is fully aware that the marriage was and continues to be valid.”

Michael says Angela abused him

In his counterclaim for divorce, Michael states that his marriage with Angela is irretrievably broken. “Respondent shows to the Court that there are no present prospects for reconciliation, and it is in his best interests that this marriage be terminated by divorce.”

More from the filing:

Respondent additionally brings this Counterclaim for Divorce and Other Relief on the ground that the Petitioner is guilty of cruel treatment against him as defined in O.C.G.A. § 19-5-3(10).

Specifically, the Petitioner has committed both physical and mental abuse against the Respondent during the course of the parties’ marriage. This abuse has occurred both privately and publicly.

Some of this abuse was documented while the parties were present and filming reality television shows. This abuse is largely what lead to the parties separating in February, 2024, when the Respondent fled the marital residence.

Michael asks for spousal support from Angela

In a move that will most certainly anger his estranged wife, Michael is seeking for spousal support from Angela.

Respondent shows there is a substantial disparity in income between the parties and Respondent is unable to meet his reasonable financial needs on a monthly basis without continued financial support from Petitioner on a temporary and permanent basis. Respondent seeks both temporary and permanent spousal support.

In addition to spousal support, Michael says he and Angela share assets, and those assets should be split evenly:

Respondent shows that during the course of the marriage, the parties have acquired certain assets, both real and personal, tangible and intangible, including but not limited to cash, checking, stock and stock options, savings and various other financial accounts, furniture, cars and real property, and Respondent should be awarded an equitable division of these assets of the parties.

Despite the huge success of his recent GoFundMe campaign, Michael also requests “that the Court require the Petitioner to pay for the Respondent’s attorney’s fees and costs of litigation incurred in this proceeding.”

In addition, Michael’s attorney asks that “the Petitioner be sanctioned for abusive litigation.”

Angela warned not to delete evidence (videos, etc.)

Michael’s counterclaim for divorce also includes a section making sure Angela is aware that she cannot delete any evidence that may be relevant to the divorce proceedings. That includes any video, audio, or photo files.

Respondent hereby places Petitioner on notice of the following important provision regarding spoilation of evidence:

You are hereby notified that Georgia law requires you to exercise reasonable care to protect and preserve evidence relevant to the issues in this case/action.

By this notice, you are hereby given notice not to destroy, conceal, or alter any video, audio, paper, or electronic files or other data in connection with this pending litigation, including, but not limited to, any of the following items that are either presently in your possession or control, or which may come into your possession while this case is ongoing; any financial records or statements; all income records; all tax records’ all expense records; all recordings or evidence reflecting relevant conduct by either party’ any item that supports any defense raised by you to this complaint and/or any item which supports any claim made by you in any counterclaim or pleading filed in this matter.

You are further notified that a failure to comply with this notice may result in sanctions for any destruction or failures to preserve any such evidence, including without limitation adverse inference against you at trial, as well as an award of expenses and attorney fees necessitated by such conduct.

Starcasm will continue to monitor the case and share any major updates.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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