Mackenzie McKee’s mom Angie Douthit updates on her cancer battle
It’s been three weeks since Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee’s mom Angie Douthit was diagnosed with cancer in her brain and lungs. Since that time, Angie has been sharing her journey on social media — a journey that not only includes updates on her diagnosis and treatment, but also her sharing inspirational stories about all of the things in her life she if most thankful for, including her family and her love of Jesus Christ.
The last time we checked in with Angie she had just been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that is also in her brain. That was on January 5, and at the time her treatment plan was still up in the air. We have gathered up some additional updates from Angie over the last few weeks with lots of information about her treatment. I’ve also included some of her inspirational reminiscing, including an insightful and funny post about Mackenzie in which Angie talks about how her youngest daughter was quite the difficult child. Angie also mentions Mackenzie’s appearance on 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom 3, which she now looks at as a blessing because she is able to share her message with so many people because of it. (Angie has written similar reflections about all of her immediate family, and I recommend you follow her on Facebook and/or Instagram so you can read them all.)
I will step out of the way now and let Angie speak for herself — literally at one point in the form of a seven-minute video of Angie speaking about her cancer diagnosis in church. Thank you Angie for having the strength to share your story with so many people! I am keeping your #AlwaysBeKind mantra first and foremost in my mind these days.
Getting prepped for radiation! I prayed God would use me today speak to the nurses and drs. They made a cool mask for my head and placed the marks on my chest for lung radiation. I start getting zapped on Thursday. God is so good. The sweet lady who checked me in followed me out to the car when we left and shared her story with us. It so heartbreaking.. We all cried and prayed with her. She said she had seen my story on media and couldn’t believe it when I walked up to her desk. She needed Gods love today. I pray that she can share God’s love with others too! God is amazing my constantly. #alwaysbekind
“2 Cor 12:10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with [b]insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” I’ve claimed this verse many times throughout my life, usually during a tough marathon, or during a crazy workout my kids designed, or during money issues. But it wasn’t until this last week when I had every ounce of strength sucked out of me that I began to understand what it truly meant. I have no strength without him. I had to let go of everything and let God carry me. Then, when I understood how badly I needed him, I began to listen to him. He opened my eyes to how many hurting people there r. They need uplifted, prayed for, hugged, shown mercy, grace, and nonjudgmental love. I challenge u today to ask God to let u see people through his eyes. Forgive, share, and be kind. Don’t waste another day. God truly does love u. And if u ever feel weak remember to let him be your strength. #godlovesyou #alwaysbekind
This is what radiation on your brain looks like! I’m going to be radiant! #alwaysbekind
Definition of thankful
1 : conscious of benefit received for what we are about to receive make us truly thankful.
Today I am thankful that God is going to heal me. I don’t know what kind of journey lies ahead of me. But I know that I will be different and better because of the journey. Look around u! You have so much to be thankful for. Give all your concerns to God then start thanking him for the answers. He loves u so much! Hug someone today and tell them u love them. #alwaysbekind
Today as I pray for all of u I’m thankful for freedom. Specifically freedom from addictions. We all have addictions whether it’s chocolate, running, gossiping, smoking, drugs, gambling, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness,… BUT!!! My God showed me this week that he wants us all to be free and he gives us the strength to let go of our struggles and be free. Addictions hold us down and stop us from being the amazing, kind, loving, persons God created us to be. Today, be free! Walk in love, be thankful, and enjoy your FREEDOM! God is so good. #alwaysbekind
Heading to Joplin for a pet scan to rule out any other cancer and then more radiation treatments! These icy roads r interesting! God is in control!
Genesis 50:20
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Challenges in our lives come in many forms. One of my biggest came in the form of a child. We always wanted 4 children so when Mackenzie Taylor showed up we were thrilled. However, I soon noticed things were going to be different with this beautiful baby. She cried almost non stop and sleep became almost non existent. However she loved me and wanted only me. We were very close but the challenges continued…for 23 years. Raising a strong willed, difficult child who hated the word “NO” was life changing. But I learned to see all of her gifts and talents and I utilized her stubborn behavior to make her stronger. It made me a better mom and a much better teacher. I never blamed parents for their child’s ADHD, or difficult behavior because some kiddos just come out that way. I learned to love differently and I learned that if I laughed at things, others joined in the laughter. Now, the craziest part about all of this is 7 years ago when she joined MTV without telling me, life looked crazy. However, I entered that new challenge as a chance to witness for Christ. And so today, because of her social media platform I’m getting to minister from my house, share our story, and tell the world about the incredible love of Christ. ONLY, almighty God could’ve orchestrated all this. He knew this was gonna happen, he brought us here for such a time as this. So.., what has been your biggest challenge! Look at it through Gods eyes today. See the blessings in all of it. Turn it around for good. Share your story with the world. Someone needs your encouragement today. Love them. Hug them. I’m praying for u. #alwaysbekind
Miracles r all around us!
I don’t like to talk about negative things but I’m going to attempt to give u an update on the cancer situation. We found out that I have a mutation called EGFR. It entered my body quite a while ago searching for a good place to land. It chose the most alive vascular place in my body, my lungs and took root. It metastasized into both lungs and my brain. I have 8 tumors in my brain and an orange size tumor branching out in my right lung that’s attaching to my wind pipe. During the pet scan both my lungs lit up like a Christmas tree, showing the big mess all over my lungs. I’ve had 8 radiation treatments on my whole brain and on the big lung tumor so far. I have an education class Tues on the new chemo pill I will start soon. I meet with a neurologist wed to discuss the two bigger 3cm tumors in my brain and how to continue radiation on them. But let’s not dwell on this… I want to share the miracles God has done!!! When the drs found all the brain tumors they told me I shouldn’t still be alive. And With the significant swelling I should be having seizures and bleeding. But the tumors aren’t affecting me that bad. I have all my senses and my sound mind. Also, the lung tumor near my wind pipe hasn’t messed with my swallowing. Only God Almighty can do miracles like that. So today! Praise God for all the miracles in your life. I pray that today God opens your eyes to the great things he’s doing in your life. Thank Him for his mercy and grace and then share with others what all he’s done for u. God is so very very good. We have so much to be thankful for! Love everyone and #alwaysbekind
Proverbs 3:5
5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.”
Many people have asked me “How did u not realize you were so sick? How did u not know u had cancer? Weren’t there signs?” Well having this time to reflect, there were signs, I just ignored them. Well over a year ago the top of my head would go numb. I’d ask people, “Hey, is anybody else’s head numb?” They all looked at me like I was nuts! Then my sense oh hearing became astronomical. Any loud noise pierced my ears. Since last January I also couldn’t tell you one thing I read because I couldn’t focus. My breathing had become increasing worse but I still had my strength. I had googled all kinds of lung issues but didn’t have one sign of lung cancer, except shortness of breath. Now let’s look at our life. How do we not realize were not spending enough time with our kids, or that we’ve been rude to people? How do we not realize we haven’t talked to God in a long time, or we haven’t smiled in weeks, or that we have unforgiveness and bitterness that’s stopping us from being the incredible person God created us to be. My prayer for u today is that we all realize how much God loves us. Hug, share your story, love, and #alwaysbekind
Psalm 119:11
“11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart,”
This morning I see a neurosurgeon to discuss my brain situation. I finished 10 rounds of whole brain radiation yesterday. I start the new chemo pill today. So we r deciding a plan on more radiation on the two biggest tumors on my brain. As I reflect on the last year I am fully aware that I couldn’t focus on any thing I read. But I was still able to teach 52 Sunday school lessons and 52 Wed night bible lessons for our neighbor church kids. I couldn’t study a lesson so I used what was already inside me from years of reading the Bible and I taught the kids about all the great bible heroes and about the incredible miracles Jesus performed. And the kids listened and they were mesmerized. Many had never heard these stories and I loved watching their faces as they absorbed the incredible truth of God’s love. So I ask you today, what is inside of you? If you couldn’t focus anymore, what have you been putting in your heart that you may need someday? Are you filling yourself with God’s word? Are you listening to him? We all need to be prepared so we can be used to share with others. There are so many hurting people who need our wisdom and love. Let God use you today to help someone. I pray that you share your story and love with someone who needs you today. God is so good and he will help you. Smile, hug, love, and #alwaysbekind
And from Mackenzie and her friend Paige:
Keep fighting Angie! And keep sharing, and keep being kind!