Lindsay Lohan suing over Milk-a-holic E-Trade Superbowl ad

This is a lesson in picking your battles, or maybe it’s a lesson in honestly accepting how you’re perceived. Either way, Lindsay Lohan is managing to trash her own image even more by suing the online Stock Market company E-Trade for Superbowl 44 ad featuring a slurring baby “Milk-a-holic” named Lindsay, who she says was modeled after her.

Because, of course, she’s addicted to milk, little known fact.

Oh, and she’s also addicted to booze, cocaine, hoarding, and Samantha Ronson, but those are other stories for other days (including her biography.) Oddly enough, even though my job requires knowing the ups and downs of Lindsay’s various addictions, I didn’t think of her once while watching the E-Trade commercial. Maybe she wishes I had.

Her lawyer Stephanie Ovadia stated her case to the NY Post:

“They used the name Lindsay. They’re using her name as a parody of her life. Why didn’t they use the name Susan? This is a subliminal message. Everybody’s talking about it and saying it’s Lindsay Lohan.”

She’s asking for a cool $100 million for all the profits E-Trade because she claims her first name is widely recognized around the world as being associated with her. They are also implying that any sort of alcoholic or addict portrayed on a commercial may be associated with her. Her legal team also wants an injunction to stop the commercial from airing and to give Lindsay ever single copy of the commercial.

Although E-Trade hasn’t commented, Chris Brown, from the Grey Group production company who made the ad spot, says it’s all nonsense and they actually named the baby milkaholic after someone on the account team.

I’m siding with Grey Group on this one. It’s probably just a coincidence and a very bad PR move on Lindsay’s part, no matter how much she needs the money.

Photo: Frederic Nebinger/ABACAPRESS.COM

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