
Krispy Kreme apologizes for accidentally creating the “KKK Club”

Seeing Double Hundred Dozen


Krispy Kreme is asking for worldwide forgiveness after a store in Hull, England accidentally advertised a “KKK Wednesday” celebration. The “KKK” was, of course, supposed to stand for “Krispy Kreme Klub,” an exclusive group whose members would wear white napkins and mutter incoherent phrases while eating wonderful doughnuts. The inconsistency was first reported by intrepid Tweeter Ed Zitron, who posted a screenshot of the Hull branch’s daily activities for the coming week:


KKK, of course, does not have the racist connotations in England that it does in the United States of America. The store–which continues to sell tasty, tasty doughnuts at 884 locations worldwide–was quick to apologize, stating that any comparison between its glazed goodies and the shameful goals of the most notorious hate group in America were purely coincidental.

Said chain spokesperson Lafeea Watson:


We do believe this was a completely unintentional oversight on the part of our longtime franchise partners in the U.K….We are truly sorry for any inconvenience or offense this misstep may have caused our fans….[The Hull branch will be] taking greater precautions with their publicity materials in the future.


Krispy Kreme has since tried to put a positive spin on the event: they’re asking that fans go to the company’s Facebook page with suggestions for an alternate club name. That request begs the question: What’s a better name than the unfortunate “Krispy Kreme Klub”? It’s so deliciously alliterative…and, yet, such an unfortunate acronym. Got any alternate suggestions?


(Photo credits: WENN)

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