Fish festival port-a-potty moved with woman still inside

Portable Toilet 3

An English woman is merely surprised after a port-a-potty-based event at a U.K. fish festival left her unbattered. The woman had stepped into the portable toilet for a brief respite just as festival organizers decided that her toilet needed to be moved…to the other side of the festival.

The unnamed woman–who, it’s worth repeating, was not harmed in the incident–was out for a bit of fun at the Newlyn Fish Festival when she stopped to use the toilet. Almost immediately, a forklift then picked up the portable toilet, and, Benny Hill-style, transported it over a bridge and across the harbor, where other, anxious festival-goers awaited its arrival.

According to Harbor Master Rob Parsons, the woman “must have thought she had teleported” when she emerged on the complete opposite side of the town.

Parsons elaborated:


She got in the loo and then it was picked up and taken to the other side of the harbour with her in it. I think she was suffering from a bit of shock or she thought she had teleported across to the other side of the harbour.


Festival toilet provider Mark Kempthorne said that this sort of mishap does occur from time to time–in part because forklift drivers use a back entrance, and are therefore always approaching port-a-potties from the rear, where there is no “Occupied / Unoccupied” sign.

“It does happen quite a bit, to be honest,” admitted Kempthorne. “I’ve done it a few times.”


(Photo credits: Portable toilets one, two, three via Flickr)

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