
Kim Kardashian accuses the media of ‘twisting’ video from Kanye West’s wheelchair rant

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West GQ UK

Kim Kardashian is supporting her man after he offended some for demanding all the guests at his Sept. 12 concert stand unless they were verified wheelchair-users.

The controversy began on Sunday when video circulated of Kanye requiring crowd engagement before he continued with the concert.

“I can’t do this show until everybody stand up. Unless you got a handicap pass and you get special parking and sh*t,” he told the Sydney crowd. “Imma see you if you ain’t standing up, believe me, I’m very good at that.”

When two people didn’t obey his command, Kanye apparently sent a bodyguard into the crowd to verify the people were physically unable to stand.

He (via his reps) later kind of/sort of apologized for offending anyone: “There was no malicious intent to offend. Anyone that has been to a Kanye concert knows that he asks for crowd participation.”

However, when given the opportunity to speak for himself at another show on Monday, Kanye said the media needs to pick another target because he’s a “married Christian man” and the original incident was “bullsh*t blown out of proportion.”

Wife Kim Kardashian, who is in Australia with Kanye, then echoed the same sentiment on Instagram.

“Its frustrating that something so awesome could be clouded by lies in the media [sic],” she said. “Kanye never asked anyone in a wheel chair to stand up & the audience videos show that. He asked for everyone to stand up & dance UNLESS they were in a wheel chair. #JustWantedEveryoneToHaveAFunNight #TheMediaTwistsThings”

Based on reports I’ve seen about the Sydney incident, no one is claiming — like Kim argues — that Kanye asked people in wheelchairs to stand up. Rather, what strikes many as offensive is that he stopped the show and brought attention to certain individuals until they were able to prove their handicaps… Just clearing that up in an effort to avoid further “twisting” the matter.

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