Kieffer Delp claims he sold nude pics of Jenelle Evans because of broken heart
In the same way that Teen Mom shows young girls that it’s almost always a bad idea to get pregnant as a teenager Jenelle Evans should be educating all young girls out there to protect their bodies by not sending out or letting anyone take pics of them nude.
The web has exploded since Radar posted naked photos of Jenelle Evans supplied to them by arguably the most notorious reality personality ever, Kieffer Delp. The pics on that site were at least censored but another site has since posted the full image which means it will be out there for folks to find forever.
Peeps were hating on Delp hard and he’s been firing back via his Twitter account and I’ll try to sum up the majority of what his defense is for selling the pics. Please note: All the tweetin’ has been left unedited (other than being censored) because 1) I’m lazy and 2) I have enough problems with my own grammar. Here we go…
Jenelle talked some jack about Delp and he tweeted, “why the f**k yu talking s**t ok signing the contract now.” He was probably referring to the deal to sell the pics. After that threat her now on-again boyfriend Gary Head apparently tweeted out that Kieffer was raped as a child which he adamantly denied.
“I was never raped lmao who wants to really see some pics? ?? Raped lmao”
Someone said Kieffer did it because he wanted to play with Jenelle’s “new toys” and he tweeted, “did get to ” Next someone tweeted out that this is an example of why you should never send out naked images of yourself when you’re famous and Kieffer replied to that one this way, “knowing yur gonna f**k the person yu giving them to over.” Kieffer is referring to having his heart broken by Jenelle when she broke it off with him and returned to Head.
Moving on, a fan of Delp tweeted, “ur not as bad as ppl make out, she plays evry1 an I feel bad 4 u that u got caught up in it all. Gud luck with evrythin! ” Then Kieffer acknowledged that this was the reason for selling the photos:
Someone informed him he could possibly get jail time and Delp shot that down by claiming he had checked all the legalities (with his extensive arrest history I guess he would know a thing or two about what lands you in prison). He then reiterated that a broken heart was the motivation behind selling the pics, “I would have never done it if she didn’t brake my heart then talk s**t about me for it.”
Then Kieffer began his major moral-high-ground defense for what he did. Repeatedly he reminded folks that Evans had acted in much the same way when she allegedly posted a pic of former friend Hannah Inman. A while back a nude but censored pic of Hannah appeared on Jenelle’s Official Facebook Fan Page but she denied having been the one who posted it. In fact she said that after she found out about it she deleted it.
Someone else piled on with the Delperhate telling him, “have some f***ing class for one if it was your t!ts being plastered you;d be mad as f**k.” And Kieffer’s retort?
And so it has went on and on and on with Delp having tweeted the following just a few hours ago:
“Yo I don’t want to hear anything about jenelles chest teen mom Gary pictures or anything else gona start blocking ppl I don’t care no more”
In summary:
Delp claims he sold the photos Jenelle should have never sent to his phone because of the broken heart he suffered when Evans left him for Head. In addition, Delp believes that he’s not the bad person in this situation because he alleges that Jenelle had done the same to a former friend of hers.
What a big ol’ mess! Oh, one interesting little side bit of info Kieffer has provided since the pics hit the web. No, it’s not the whereabouts of the infamous green hoodie but a different delper apparel sitch. Someone was trying to take a crack at our boy asking him if he still wore socks with sandals. Delp explained the reason for the apparent fashion faux pas:
Kieffer Delp ladies and gentlemen.