David Eason changes Facebook relationship status to ‘It’s Complicated,’ Jenelle responds

David Eason Facebook relationship status

Teen Mom 2 dad David Eason raised a few internet eyebrows overnight as he changed his relationship status on Facebook to “It’s complicated” before later deleting his account altogether. For some news outlets, that amounted to a “breakup bombshell” and merited contacting David’s wife Jenelle Eason for her reaction — and Jenelle’s reaction was anything but subdued.

“Was he mad at you?” a reporter asked Jenelle in a text message conversation posted by Jenelle on Twitter. “Why would he be?” Jenelle asked.

“I don’t know?!” the reporter replied before asking “But why did it say that it is complicated thing?”

“idk idc…” replied Jenelle, adding “only you guys care.” She then explained that the reason he deleted his Facebook account was because of the media. “Like I said this is why he deleted his account cuz of media BS.”

That merited a facepalm emoji from the the reporter. Then Jenelle went off:

Jenelle Eason texts

If I have sex with my husband, it’s my business. If I go skydiving with my husband, it’s my business. If I want to sh!t on my husband’s hand, it’s all my business. I’d appreciate if you stop assuming sh!t and texting me about something ridiculous. Make an article if you see one of us file divorce papers.

The reporter did not heed Jenelle’s advice and wrote an article anyway. The story included a quote from Jenelle prior to the ones seen in her screen cap in which she responded to David deleting his Facebook profile. “Everyone is freaking out David deleted his Facebook page last night while I was sleeping,” Jenelle said. “He deleted his account altogether. He told me when I woke up lol.”

It was only after Jenelle was made aware of the “It’s complicated” status update that the convo started to break bad. She shared the texts along with the tweet: “Don’t be a b!tch. Don’t EVERRRRRRRRRR text me again. Don’t contact me again. F**king drama.”

In addition to David’s “bombshell” Facebook activity, Jenelle also added fuel to the fire by swapping out her profile photos from ones that included David to one’s that don’t. In addition, her profile no longer lists her as “married,” but I think that is what happens by default when your spouse deletes his or her Facebook page?

Some fans are speculating that Jenelle’s kind words towards her most infamous ex Kieffer Delp during Monday night’s Jenelle: The EX-Files MTV special may caused some tension between the two, but I think I’m going to assume that the issues are from Jenelle sh!tting on David’s hand. 😉

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