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Khloe Kardashian hints at reconciliation, but Lamar Odom remains wary

Khloe Kardashian marriage 2

Is the Khloe Kardashian marriage to Lamar Odom back on? The couple never technically divorced, but recent comments from Khloe make it sound like she’s not only hopeful for a reconciliation with her estranged husband–she’s counting on it. Lamar, though, has been leery of Khloe’s maneuverings since his hospitalization several months ago, and looks to be less enthused by the idea of getting back together with his former flame.

It was the alleged “constant manipulation” by his wife that reportedly had Lamar Odom regretting the Khloe Kardashian marriage in the first place. Khloe is said to ushered Lamar from her home and into a rented mansion without warning during his convalescence from a drug overdose and related seizures–and Khloe went back and forth several times on whether to let Lamar stay with her at all. And it was just a few days ago that Lamar was said to be preparing divorce paperwork of his own: the former NBA star apparently had had enough of what he felt was Khloe making plans behind his back; and, thanks to improving health, wanted to break from the Khloe Kardashian marriage once and for all.

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom Launch their new fragrance "Unbreakable" at The Redbury Hotel Hollywood, California - 04.04.11 Featuring: Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom Where: California, United States When: 04 Apr 2011 Credit: WENN

But that’s apparently not at all what Khloe wants. In a new preview clip for the next episode of Kocktails With Khloe, the reality TV star reveals that her ideal situation involves a complete and total reconciliation with Lamar Odom. A KWK discussion of marriage comes around to Lamar, and guest Carmen Elektra asks her hostess if she would consider another Khloe Kardashian marriage. “Technically, I’m still f*cking married,” Khloe responds, before also saying that she tries to take life one day at a time: “At this point, I don’t know what tomorrow’s gonna bring,” Khloe says. “They say if you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans. So, I have no plans to be made.”

When Khloe’s other guest, TV host Ross Matthews, asks if Khloe would consider hitting “control-alt-delete” and “restarting” with Lamar, Khloe turns pensive. Here’s the full preview, in which Khloe describes her “best dream” scenario:

At the same time, it’s far from clear that that’s what Lamar wants for himself and his family. One of the points of contention between Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom during Lamar’s hospitalization was the access his children–Destiny, 17, and Lamar Jr., 13–had to him. That sore spot has come up again, thanks to a new report from Us Weekly which claims that Lamar’s kids “were very upset” that he didn’t see them when in New York for the Yeezy Season 3 debut last week.

“He didn’t see his kids when he was in NYC and the kids were upset,” said the magazine’s insider. “They were supposed to come out and see him, but Lamar has been embarrassed to call them and they are angry.”

The kids’ allege that Lamar was only in town for one day and night, and suggested that his schedule left no room for a visit. Though Khloe wasn’t mentioned by name in the report, the implication was that Khloe arranged the itinerary, and might have kept it air-tight on purpose.


(Photo credits: Khloe Kardashian marriage via Instagram, WENN)


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