Josh Duggar to be a dad again, Anna Duggar is pregnant

Josh Duggar Anna Duggar is pregnant again 2017

A Duggar pregnancy can rarely be described as a shocker, but that is certainly the case today as it was announced that Michelle and Jim Bob’s controversial eldest son Josh Duggar is going to be a dad again as his wife Anna Duggar is currently pregnant with their fifth child.

Here is the full announcement from the Duggar Family website:

For nearly the last two years, we have quietly worked to save our marriage, focus on our children, and rebuild our lives together as a family. Doing so is never easy after a breach of trust. We’ve learned that a life of faith and rebuilding a life together is simply done one day at a time. As we continue our journey as a family and rebuild our lives, we are delighted to share with you that we are expecting a new baby boy later this year. Beauty comes from ashes and we cannot wait to see and kiss the face of this sweet new boy! – Josh & Anna

Having their fifth child in 2017 means that the couple will not have skipped a beat in their child bearing pattern as they welcomed children in 2009 (Mackynzie Renée), 2011 (Michael James), 2013 (Marcus Anthony), and 2015 (Meredith Grace).

NOTE: The photo of Anna pregnant is an older one.

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