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VIDEO Farrah Abraham talks blow-and-go, Derek Underwood with Howard Stern

Farrah Abraham appears on The Howard Stern Show

Farrah Abraham is always good for an outrageous comment so when it comes to interviews, she’s as good as gold. Even better? An interview with the always raunchy Howard Stern on his SiriusXM station. In the latest of Farrah’s interviews, the Teen Mom turned sex tape star is telling all about her sexual experiences, the death of her daughter’s father, and the “idiot” cops who arrested her on St. Patrick’s Day.

“I’m not a w***e, I’m not a slut, I’m not a c-word, if that’s what you’re calling me!” she told Howard during their no-holds-barred chat. “I really tried not to have sex before marriage.” Unfortunately, trying wasn’t enough and Farrah ended up pregnant at just 16 by her late boyfriend Derek Underwood who she calls her “first love” and “the first person I had sex with.”

Farrah previously told The Dirty’s Nik Richie that her first sexual experience wasn’t with Derek and that the encounter featured what her film is now infamous for.

“My boyfriend was a winner,” she said of Derek. “I was very happy [with him sexually,] and that’s what I’m satisfied with.”

Farrah also addressed Derek’s tragic death, placing the blame for the car crash on him. “He was driving the car, so I guess you could say it was his fault … he was going too fast.”

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham on The Howard Stern Show interview

As for her own troubles behind the wheel, Farrah continues to deny any wrong doing despite admitting on several occasions that she was, in fact, drunk behind the wheel. “I was legally drunk, but I definitely remember the whole night, and police acting like idiots to me,” she said. “They didn’t give me a sobriety test [and] they didn’t do things legally.”

Just last week, Farrah went to court where she entered a guilty plea which kept her out of the slammer but also required her to have a blow-and-go installed in her vehicle. “I don’t think everyone should have it, it’s really difficult,” Farrah says of the device. The device not only requires her to blow before she goes, it also makes her periodically blow while driving — a total pain, even for an experienced blower.

Farrah added, “I’m like, ‘F*** this, I’m gonna rent a car right now and have someone drive me around.’ I don’t want to deal with it.”

Following the interview, Farrah retweeted a post from The Stern Show which read, “‘I masturbate to my own sex video’ – Teen Mom @F1Abraham on #H100.” The show was referring to a comment Farrah had made during the interview in which she revealed that she’s actually excited by seeing herself on film. “I masturbate to like.. I like watching my own video,” she said.

Below is a few highlights from the interview (if you’re not familiar with Stern or Farrah for that matter – the content may not be suitable for all audiences):

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