
Farrah Abraham records keek video while driving with Sophia

Farrah Abraham posts keek video while driving with Sophia

Over the last few years I’ve probably written more about Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham than just about any one else on the planet, and yet it seems like every week (every day lately) she is still able to absolutely amaze me — though obviously not in a good way. The latest jaw-dropping entry in Farrah’s WTF resume is a video she just posted on Keek… while driving! With Sophia in the vehicle! After “driving like 13 hours non-stop!”

I’m sorry Amanda Bynes, but you’ve got nothing on the current phenomenon that is Farrah Abraham! (Farrahnomenon? Farrahmanda Bynes? Farrah Abrahamanda Bynes? Sorry…)

Here’s the clip:

I’m speechless.

Farrah, on the other hand, is not. Here’s what she says in the video:

Sup keekers? We are road tripping right now. We’re, uh, hint, in the middle of a move. Um, but, yeah, so I’m like the crazy mommy trying to like do everything. Work, move, and you know, just make the best for Soph right now. So I’m in the midst of all this. So I’ve been driving like 13 hours non-stop, totally working hard. So keek it if you’re driving or road trippin! Love, on the road. Whooooooo!!

Contrary to what Farrah says, I beg of all of our readers to please NOT “keek it if you’re driving.” Pleeeease.

In case you missed it, Farrah is currently “in the middle of a move” because she and her mother Debra Danielsen reportedly had a falling out over the sex tape scandal and Farrah either moved out of, or was kicked out of Debra’s house — according to whose story you believe. I tried be all sleuthy and figure out where Farrah was, but all I could see was a light-up construction sign that read “Roberts Cemetery.” The only other clue would be that it is probably at least 13 hours from Council Bluffs, Iowa. That is, unless Farrah has been driving in circles.

What’s that? You feel like you didn’t get enough of Farrah embarrassing herself in a car? No problem. Here are the folks at TMZ having a laugh at Farrah’s expense while watching a video of her in a limousine reportedly with James Deen and reportedly just after they had wrapped production on the now infamous sex tape:

What’s that? Still not enough footage of Farrah embarrassing herself on tape? I wish I could offer up a SFW snippet from the sex tape for you, but alas, that has yet to surface. I suppose you will just need to tune in to Dr. Phil on Friday where Farrah will try to defend all of her recent actions, including the sex tape as well as her recent DUI arrest. (Click here to watch a preview clip.)

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