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Did Brandi Glanville get married to Darin Harvey In Las Vegas on New Years Eve?

Did Brandi Glanville get married to Darin Harvey in Las Vegas

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas gets tweeted about the next day to tens of thousands of followers. Such is the case for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville, who took to Twitter on New Years Eve to announced she had married her close friend Darin Harvey, a manager for Mixed Martial Arts fighters.

The first hint that Brandi was about to become a real deal housewife of Beverly Hills again came early in the evening with this tweet:

Brandi Glanville tweets about strippers and possibly getting married New Years Eve

That was followed by another foreshadowing moment in the form of a photo of Brandi and Darin along with the tweet, “Getting married,” which still appeared to be just in jest:

Brandi Glanville and husband Darin Harvey

And then the “We did it!” tweets began to pour in, including photos of Brandi and Darin in front of a wedding chapel! Here are all of them in chronological order (from top to bottom) with the original tweets Brandi was responding to:

Brandi Glanville tweets about her Las Vegas New Years Eve wedding
Brandi Glanville announces her marriage to Darin Harvey in Las Vegas on New Years Eve
Brandi Glanville's wedding to Darin Harvey in Las Vegas on New Years Eve
Brandi Glanville gets married to Darin Harvey in Las Vegas on New Years Eve photo
Brandi Glanville Las Vegas wedding photo

Darin also tweeted about his The Hangover evening with Brandi and was playing along with the story that the two BFFs got hitched:

Darin Harvey and Brandi Glanville party in Las Vegas before their New Years Eve wedding
Brandi Glanville parties with a friend in Las Vegas
Darin Harvey tweets about his marriage to Brandi Glanville

So what do you think? Did Brandi Glanville and Darin Harvey really get married in Las Vegas on New Years Eve?

UPDATE – Brandi came under fire a little bit for treating the institution of marriage a bit light-heartedly and has snce admitted the ceremony wasn’t legal. Click here for the details!

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