
Deion Sanders tweets pic of sons filling out police report against mother

Photo tweeted by Deion Sanders of his kids filling out a police report

The contentious and often too public divorce between “Neon” Deion “Prime Time” Sanders and Pilar Sanders has taken a turn for the much worse and super strange. In what may be the best worst example of celebrity Twitter oversharing Deion posted the above photo of his sons filling out a police report against Pilar.

Yes. “It Must Be the Money” singing star Sanders actually posted a photograph of his sons filling out police reports against their own mother. Paint this “thought he’d seen it all” blogger shocked!

Here were the tweets sent out from Deion before the image hit the Twitterverse:

The two have been going through a seemingly endless divorce yet they still were living together in their Dallas home. Pilar was arrested for “assault family violence” and we’ve got the mug shot to prove it. Here’s Pilar from the Colin County Jail:

Pilar Sanders arrested for assault family violence.

The Hall of Fame NFL veteran filed for divorce from Pilar last year but Pilar sued for $200 million citing “emotional and physical abuse, mental distress, public humiliation and financial loss.” Maybe it is the money…

Mug Shot: Splash News

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