
Connie Britton joins Twitter, named UN goodwill ambassador


Now my unhealthy obsession with Nashville star Connie Britton can extend to tweets and the global fight for the eradication of poverty!

Yep, Tami Taylor is officially part of the Twitterverse. She signed on Monday with a simple and apropos, “Hey y’all,” and then jokingly asked “#whatsahashtag?” The lovely redhead has already rounded up over 50,000 followers, with plenty more sure to follow.

In additional, and admittedly more important, Britton news, Connie has officially been named a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Development Program. With this designation Connie hopes to focus on poverty eradication with an emphasis on women’s issues.

The 47-year-old veteran of Friday Night Lights said:

“In my own travels, I’ve seen many places where people are living in extreme poverty. It’s unacceptable that, in 2014, one billion people live in such conditions, and a full sixty percent of the chronically hungry in the world are women. I look forward to working with UNDP to help change this and improve the lives of vulnerable people worldwide.”

Oh yeah – you can follow Connie Britton’s official Twitter feed here and then wait, like me, for the moment when she tweets, “Clear Eyes! Full Hearts! Can’t Lose!”

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