Conflicting reports of Bobbi Kristina’s status continue; condition “grim” according to multiple family members
Bobbi Kristina’s condition remains “grim,” according to multiple family members who have visited her bedside, but exactly how grim remains a mystery. Over the weekend, several reports emerged that suggested the 21-year-old’s organs were shutting down and that her death was imminent–perhaps only hours away.
However, the weekend has come and gone, and, while Bobbi is far from safe, her “confusing” status continues. The confusion is due at least in part to the large number of family members who are speaking to the media and who have different interpretations of how well she is doing.
People reported late yesterday afternoon that, according to one family member who wished to remain anonymous “there hasn’t been a change in the past week.” The same family member went on to say “Nothing at all. It’s not like her kidneys are shutting down or anything. There hasn’t been any change.”
At the same time, another (unnamed) family member calls Bobbi’s condition “dire,” and acknowledges the difficulty of managing so many different people in such a stressful environment: “I think we’re all getting on each other’s nerves now. Everyone’s under a lot of stress. Bobby doesn’t want any part of the drama; he’s there for Krissi, not for us.”
It appears as though the family has almost split into two camps: One, made up of members who agree with father Bobby Brown’s decision to keep Bobbi on life support even after her organs have stopped functioning, and who are giving more hopeful quotes to the press; and a second group made of family members who disagree with that decision, and whose quotes reflect the truer nature of Bobbi’s health.
One person who does not factor into any decisions involving Bobbi is former boyfriend Nick Gordon, who still hasn’t been allowed to visit Bobbi’s bedside. Said the same family member who claimed Bobbi’s condition is unchanged, “We don’t talk about [Nick]. Bobby doesn’t mention him at all, ever. We’re trying to give positive energy around Krissi, and Nick is not positive energy.”
Bobbi’s cousin Jerod Brown gave an interview over the weekend in which he described his role as go-between for the family and Gordon:
I’m in contact with Nick. Nick is feeling very emotional right now behind all of this. He’s pretty torn about what’s going on….We sit down and talk about things he wants my family to know and what we would love for Krissy to know, and that is that he loves her and is just waiting for her to wake up.
Bobbi remains hospitalized at Emory University in Atlanta.
(Photo credits: WENN)