Category: Giggy the Pom

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are headed to Paris for Season 3

In what has become a staple in all of Bravo’s housewives franchises, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are loading up on a plane for an extended vacation together. Nope, it’s not swamp boating in Florida, and sadly it’s not a trip to their own version of Scary Island – the BH ladies are headed to the City of Light, Paris! Well, at least some of them are.

PHOTO Lisa Vanderpump mistakes watch for a sex toy? (Giggy remains unfazed)

You can’t take those Real Housewives of Beverly Hills anywhere! The epitome of elegance and class Lisa Vanderpump revealed once again that she has quite the risque sense of humor when she and husband Ken Todd (and canine superstar Giggy!) stopped by the RumbaTime watch table at the GBK Gifting Suite in the Golden Globes Lounge last weekend.