
Brandi Glanville apologizes for insensitive suicide tweet

Brandi Glanville apologizes for suicide joke on Twitter

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville stunned her Twitter followers on Sunday night while on the way to see Magic Mike with her friend, Jennifer Gimenez. When the couple arrived at The Grove mall in Hollywood, there was a bit of a hold up — a man had jumped to his death from the seventh floor of The Grove’s parking structure!

Unaware that the man had died, Brandi tweeted, “Some dumbsh*t just jumped off the 2nd story(sic) of the Grove parking structure. If you’re going to try and ruin my movie at least go to the top floor.” In addition to ruining her movie, the 29-year-old’s death left his family devastated, and those who witnessed the jump, including several young children, were traumatized.

Brandi Glanville’s BFF and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills guest star, Jennifer, had a more concerned approach. She tweeted, “Someone just jumped from parking structure at the Grove… so sad…hope no kids saw.”

After learning that the guy was not just some prankster and had actually died, Brandi issued an apology. “Oh man the guy at the grove that jumped didn’t make it. I feel bad, it’s awful, condolences to his family. I wish I hadn’t joked about it. It was an inappropriate joke, peeps at theater said he was fine, didn’t have all the info, although suicide is a very selfish thing.”

But the negative comments continued to come, resulting in more apologies from Brandi, and even accusations of “cyber bullying.”

As of the time of this post, Brandi is still addressing the reaction to her insensitive comment! Here are some more tweets from Monday night and Tuesday:

“didn’t know it was true until I saw the news.Clearly its sad & honestly I said I feel bad but I am not responsible 4 damage.”

“I did not make fun of a suicide, we were told the guy was fine so we joked about it, then found out later he wasn’t.#lame”

“I have an inappropriate sense of humor that is why I like @chelsealately and @Joan_Rivers so much.”

“he is selfish. We were told he was fine. Unfollow me and stop cyber bullying.”

“my opinion was based on mis-information, all I am saying is until U 3 PERFECT maybe we should all forgive and forget.”

“I appreciate that. Thank u. I’d never make fun of death, we were told something else. I regret what I tweeted, enough said.”

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