Is Bobbi Kristina’s health improving? Split family continues to offer conflicting reports
Reports of Bobbi Kristina’s condition have differed wildly over the past few months, depending on which family member is doing the reporting. Generally speaking, members of the Brown family say that Bobbi Kristina is either fine or improving, while members of the Houston family–who, it should be noted, have also made far fewer public comments–suggest that there is little reason to hope for an improvement for the 22-year-old.
Most recently, Bobbi Kristina’s aunt Leolah Brown updated her Facebook page with a lengthy anti-Houston tirade, one that accused Pat Houston of hoping for Bobbi Kristina’s death:
FYI: “In the beginning” of Bobbi Kristina being in a coma;
Ms. So-called Pat Houston, Real name: “Marion Patricia Watson Garland”, wanted so badly and had the nerve to sarcastically say to my brother Bobby, “why don’t he just pull the plug on Bobbi Kriss, because it’s costing too much money to keep her alive!” YES, Pat Garland did have that nerve to say that to Bobbi Kristina’s father Bobby. It was her, Pat Garland, the one & only who had the big balls of such an idea! Therefore, I am not surprised at what the media has said. It is evident & obvious that SOMEONE just does not want to see my niece LIVE.SMH!…I am aware that you (Pat) were audited regarding my niece’s Estate and could notaccount for where certain monies went! And it came from a great source in the Houston family. Why don’t you focus on telling the world where that money went, instead of trying to see to it that Bobbi Kriss leaves her REAL family? My God! If Whitney was here! You would have been LONG GONE! Better yet, if Whitney was here, YOU WOULD NOT BE ANYWHERE NEAR HER ESTATE OR MY NIECE FROM THE B GIN!
Leolah’s optimistic comments jive with a statement she gave to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution two weeks ago, in which she suggested that there was a great deal of hope for Bobbi Kristina:
We are allowing her to just continue healing in God’s Grace and Mercy. Please continue to be patient with us. You have no idea how much my brother Bobby and Bobbi Kriss are grateful and appreciates your kind words and prayers! In fact, we are all grateful to Almighty God for allowing us to still have Krissi with us! So with that said, let us keep our hearts and minds on Bobbi Kristina’s complete healing! While continuing in our patience. We love and appreciate you all! May God bless you all for your continued prayers and taking out your precious time to send such wonderful comments! May The Peace Of God Be With You
Bobbi Kristina’s cousin Jerod Brown has been outspoken in his belief that a miracle will save Bobbi Kristina. He started the #PrayForBK hashtag campaign for just that purpose, and plans to take it on tour this summer to raise money for Bobbi Kristina’s medical bills. Jerod has been a critic of the Houston family and an advocate for his cousin for months; this Facebook post, from just a few weeks ago, is one of many examples:
Cissy: So now the blame of auntie Whitney is my uncle Bobby? No disrespect grandma Cissy, instead of you pointing fingers to a man that gave as much of himself as she did, a love neither one of us can digest, embrace, create, understand, or survive through, try pointing that same finger to find out what truly happen to auntie Whitney. Your daughter. Yet my uncle is bashed for keeping his daughter alive as long as he desires. A few family members including myself are bashed for asking the world to pray. You gave up along time ago. We, The Browns are built on true faith, and the results are remarkable.
Bobbi Kristina’s grandmother Cissy Houston, though, has given a series of opposing statements to the press. In early May, Cissy spoke with Entertainment Weekly, and gave either a dire or a realistic update on Bobbi Kristina’s condition, depending on your point of view:
She’s not gone yet, but you know, whatever the Lord decides, I’m ready for her. I have nothing to do with that. That’s His job. It’s His territory, you know? And I understand it….[Bobbi Kristina] is the same. She’s not progressing at all
And, shortly before speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Cissy gave an even clearer statement to People magazine–one that suggested she’d spoken with doctors about her granddaughter:
I have just returned from visiting my granddaughter Bobbi Kristina in the hospitaland while she is no longer in a medically induced coma she has a tracheotomy and according to the doctors she has global and irreversible brain damage and remains unresponsive. Meeting with the doctors and understanding that she can live in this condition for a lifetime truly saddens me. We can only trust in God for a miracle at this time. Keep us in your prayers.
No medical professional has spoken publicly regarding Bobbi Kristina’s condition since the earliest days of her care in an Emory University hospital.
(Photo credits: Bobbi Kristina via Twitter)