Become a polygamist via the Sister Wives Facebook app

TLC's Sister Wives and patriarch Kody Brown on Ellen

TLC is keenly aware that they have a hit on their hands with their polygamy themed reality show Sister Wives.  The unceasingly energetic Kody Brown and his now four better fifths, Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn and their 16 children have opened up their lives to America for a taste of a very unique and different lifestyle than what most of us are used to.  The Brown’s have recently been hitting the interview circuit hard leading up to the season 2 premiere this Sunday.

All of this promotin’ is fine and dandy but it looks like the team over at TLC is looking to latch on to the social media craze with one of the oddest reality TV supplemental campaigns I’ve ever seen.  They have created a Facebook app called “Want A Sister Wife?” that allows you to:

Select a friend, invite them to be your sister wife and assign them a task.

Here’s the graphic from TLC:

Sister Wives Facebook app graphic

Of course I had to try this out so I signed up, sent an invite to a hot wife of one of my best friends and assigned the task of giving me a…  Wait I guess that isn’t what the application is for but the concept is a bit confusing don’t you think!?!  When you sign up it lets you select a sister wife from your list of Facebook friends and supplies the following list of assignable tasks:

Do the dishes
Prepare dinner
Do laundry
Go grocery shopping
Watch sports with my husband
Re-fill my wine
Pack school lunches
Call my mother-in-law
Workout for me
Massage my husband’s back
Be pregnant for me
Update my Facebook status
Let me sleep in
Watch Sister Wives with me

Here’s where the whole thing gets a little tawdry in my opinion.  You are given the option to choose your own task!  A task like say, “Put on a little lingerie, call up Charlie Sheen and his goddesses and set up tonight for some tiger blood winning.”  This is a whole different kind of social network let me tell ya though I have to admit I liked, “Be pregnant for me.”

Well if you wanna a taste of Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn’s type of bliss get started with the Sister Wives Facebook app here.

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