
Argentine man hacks up burglars with decorative samurai sword



An Argentine man is making worldwide headlines for his relentless and bloodthirsty self-defense. The unnamed steelworker awoke to rustling and crashing sounds in his house, and found three burglars attempting to loot him dry. The groggy Córdoban went for the first thing he could think of–one of the decorative samurai swords he had on the wall.

According to local media, the 49-year-old homeowner “smote [the burglars] in the arms” with the sword, frightening them and sending them running from the house in terror. All three suffered deep cuts and a tremendous loss of blood, and one fellow even lost part of his ear.

Police were able to track the burglars because the three of them bled all over the sidewalk outside the house they had burgled, along with their getaway car, the tree the getaway car struck, and the street and sidewalk leading from the abandoned car to the nearby house where two of the men sought refuge. A third was apprehended shortly thereafter, at a nearby clinic.

(The Daily Mail has acquired photos of the aftermath. Be warned: They are pretty bloody.)

The robbers did manage to swipe $400 from the house, but returned it shortly after being transported to the hospital.

According to the steel-driving man, the swords were purely decorative and had never been used for anything like this before the grisly incident.

Police have ordered him to undergo a psychiatric examination.


(Photo credits: Single blade; Multiple blades; Bloody car)


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