
Are Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’s Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez getting a spin-off?

Stevie J and Joseline Spin-off Show

There’s no denying that Stevie J and his new wife are two of the most talked about cast members of Love & Hip Hop. And, considering their Love & Hip Hop: New York counterparts, Chrissy Lampkin and Jim Jones, received a spin-off show last year, viewers didn’t have to stretch their imaginations too far to see the same happening for Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez.

Now we have even more details to fill in the gaps: Stevie J recently shared pictures along with the caption “#TheJordans coming soon.” If that means what we think it does, a reality show called The Jordans is in the works!

We also know there is a strong possibility of wedding footage getting utilized in the show. According to guests of Stevie J and Joseline’s Puerto Rican nuptials, the whole ceremony was heavily staged… But none of the footage was used during the final episodes or reunion of Love & Hip Hop.

Earlier this month, Stevie confirmed to Hip Hop Weekly that any wedding material would be fair game for a show.

“When the show permits, we’ll do it on the show or something, or have our own show and have some kids on the show,” he said.

The father of five has also said his family is “definitely in discussions” for a spin-off.

VH1 The Jordans

We’ve gotta admit it would be interesting to see Stevie J and Joseline in the new light! He seems to be a truly caring, committed dad. Joseline also appears to be settling into her new role as step-mom with total ease… Although that dynamic must provide some interesting moments in the blended household!

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