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Are Joseline and Stevie J back together? New pics fuel speculation, but Stevie might be with someone new

Stevie J and Joseline 2

Joseline and Stevie J getting back together has been one of the great side-dramas of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta over the past year. Ever since the two went through their drama-tastic, high-profile, extraordinarily acriminious split last summer–capped off by Stevie confirming that they’d never actually been married, and Joseline revealing that Stevie really is her baby daddy–there’s been plenty of speculation about whether they can ever truly work things out.

RELATED: Joseline Hernandez’s pregnancy special gets an airdate: Is she quitting Love & Hip Hop Atlanta for her own show?

So, of course, LHHATL fans are all atwitter over a pair of photos Joseline shared on Instagram earlier today, featuring herself and Stevie together for the first time since minutes before she attacked his face. We took screencaps of the photos, since Joseline is known for deleting images of Stevie without warning; the two pics’ captions follow each:

Are Joseline and Stevie J back together 2
#tristianblake #sedricklanard #balenciaga #joselinehernandez #puertoricanprincess #lahhatl #badbooshnation #baddestputa Y’all hoes thought I was A Corpse ??

Are Joseline and Stevie J back together 1
#puertoricanprincess #joselinehernandez #baddestputa you thought I was a corpse ???????????? #Getmoney

RELATED: PHOTOS Joseline Hernandez’s after baby body is straight-up ridiculous

Given their track record together, this could be nothing more than a fashion shoot and Instagram promo. Especially since, according to an update from fan account @VH1iNFO, Stevie has a brand-new boo–and it’s not Joseline:

A look through Stevie’s timeline appears to confirm that the woman in the photos is fitness and nutrition expert Liz Gaspari. And, while we can’t confirm whether she and Stevie are dating, it’s clear they know each other from at least a few years back:

Love & Hip Hop Star Stevie J #shoes #launch #redcarpet

A post shared by Liz Gaspari (@lizgaspari1) on

Handle strong never handle wrong. @alireza_rasa @lizgaspari1 #DangerZone #Iran #USA

A post shared by Stevie J. (@hitmansteviej_1) on

As for Joseline and Stevie J’s relationship: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 6 continues Monday nights at 8 on VH1.

(Photo credits: Are Joseline and Stevie J back together via Instagram)

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