Adam Lambert to appear on Sesame Street?
I guess I should have seen this one coming when I saw the Muppets singing Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody!” (Haven’t seen that yet? I’ll include it at the bottom.) Anyway, the man-kissing, woman crotch-grabbing explicit network performer we all know and love plans on ushering in a new, forward-thinking and open-minded Sesame Street:
Can we expect a make-out session between The Count and Elmo? Will Oscar finally cheer up when he comes out of the closet trash can? Do we really want to know what goes on between Big Bird and SnuggleupwithGus when the cameras are off? All bets are off when our favorite childhood avenue plays host to the controversially flamboyant American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert!!!
Nah, I’m just kidding. As far as I know there are no plans for “Lambert and Ernie” any time soon, though who knows in 5 years right? Maybe HBO? (Something tells me the lyrics to “Rubber Ducky” might be altered a bit.)
I wasn’t kidding about the Muppets’ “Bohemian Rhapsody” performance though! Here’s that instant-classic that will probably have Jerry Falwell calling for a ban on Jim Henson’s little Freddy Mercury lovers as well as Sesame Street:
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