AC/DC guitarist Malcolm Young had stroke, now suffers from dementia
Australian rock legends AC/DC have finally addressed the weeks of rumors surrounding guitarist Angus Young’s health.
Unfortunately, the worse of those rumors is true.
Young had a stroke last year, and that stroke triggered the dementia from which he now suffers. According to sources close to the band, he has almost no short-term memory.
Said the source,
If you were in the room with [Young] and walked out, then came back in one minute later, he wouldn’t remember who you are. He has a complete loss of short-term memory. His wife, Linda, has put him in full-time care.
Young has been moved into the Lulwoth House care facility in Sydney.
This past April, AC/DC announced that Young would be taking a leave of absence from the band in order to take care of ill health. But the band didn’t say what Young’s illness was, or how long it might take him to recover.
Despite the loss of a founding member, AC/DC remains undaunted. The band is releasing its newest album, Rock Or Bust, in December.
As for guitar duties, Malcolm’s nephew Stevie will take over for his uncle.