Mark on Extreme Cheapskates hopes to sell his testicle for $35,000

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One of my favorite TLC shows, Extreme Cheapskates, is coming back Wednesday, and it’s got a great opener: Mark, who does medical trials for extra cash.

Sometimes the trials just get him free check-ups or other medical services, and sometimes he gets paid. On the show he’s super exciting about an upcoming possible opportunity to sell one of his testicles for $35,000.

Another way Mark saves money through his medical trials? Tons and tons of free scrubs! His scrub collection alone makes him eligible for another TLC show My Collection Obsession.

Some of these trials are super risky. He got $5000 a week for doing an Ebola study. The FDA actually prevented a “flatline” study that was to pay $25,000 for a two-week stay, but the real price is that they actual stop the hearts of the participants for a full one minute at a time. Not sure that’s worth $25,000.

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