X-Files star Gillian Anderson discusses multiple lesbian relationships

X-Files Gillian Anderson

Agent Scully hooked up with a bunch of girls back in the day!?! I just woke up from passing out and now I need someone to slap me!!!!

Gillian Anderson is endeared to a legion of sci-fi fans for her long-running and unforgettable role of Agent Dana Scully in Fox’s X-Files. She won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama Series during that run and it was well deserved. In a recent interview with Out Magazine the 43-year-old has revealed that she’s had numerous romantic relationships with women.

Anderson has been married twice before and is the mother of 3 children. She currently is in a relationship with Mark Griffiths, and the two have been an item since 2006. During her X-Files hotness-peak Anderson was voted the “Sexiest Woman in the World” for FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women poll in 1996.

Here’s part of the great piece from Out:

“I was in a relationship with a girl for a long time when I was in high school,” the star of an upcoming PBS adaptation of Great Expectations says nonchalantly. “Yeah, yeah,” she replies, confirming the lesbian romance. “You know, I’m old enough that I can talk about that,” adding to the magazine that she had additional flings with other women.

She later somewhat downplayed these relationships in the form of the old youthful experimentation angle:

“If I had thought I was 100 percent gay, would it have been a different experience for me? . . . Would it have been a bigger deal if shame had been attached to it and all those things that become huge life-altering issues for youngsters in that situation? It’s possible that my attitude around it came, on some level, from knowing that I still liked boys.”

I’ve always loved me some Gillian Anderson and her willingness to discuss her past frankly certainly hasn’t damaged those memories. In fact, I now have new sweet thoughts of Scully… Men are such pigs 🙂

Photo: WENN

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