
Woman evades police after high-speed chase in Scooby Doo Mystery Machine


Ruh-roh Raggy!

A California woman managed to evade the police after leading them on a high-speed chase in a minivan painted to look like the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo.

KRCR reports that 51-year-old Sharon Kay Turman was sought after by the cops on Sunday when her probation officer contacted the Redding Police Department.

Turman was wanted for violating her probation and when the police caught up with her she just so happened to be operating a Chrysler minivan painted up to look like the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo. Zoinks!!!

When the officers tried to initiate a traffic stop, Sharon made a move that had to look something like this:


A pursuit began after Turman sped away. During the chase, which police said exceeded 100 MPH (how is there not video of this), Sharon ran a red light and collided with four other vehicles.

She eventually ditched the Mystery Machine and fled on foot. Her current whereabouts are a “mystery.”

Perhaps some meddling kids could get involved so she won’t get away with it…

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