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VIDEOS What we could see on the eighth season of 19 Kids and Counting

19 Kids and Counting Season 8

The Duggar family returns to TLC tonight with the season premiere of 19 Kids and Counting — and, for many reasons, this season has the potential to be the most exciting yet. Here are a few of the Duggar developments we’ll likely see in the eighth season…

A behind-the-scenes look at courtships

Courtships are all but guaranteed to be a main plot line for the new season of 19 Kids and Counting (or 19 Kids and Courting, as I’ve seen suggested). Here’s the Duggar’s explanation of what courtship means for the older daughters…

I hope we see more about what the older children who aren’t courting think about their sisters’ new relationships. It will be particularly interesting to hear about older siblings John David and Jana’s thoughts — especially if they aren’t interested in pursuing courtships at this time.

An engagement or two

With both Jessa Duggar and Jill Duggar in courtships, there’s sure to be talk about taking the next step.

We already have good reason to believe Jessa and her suitor, Ben Seewald, are engaged. And, although every relationship is different, it’s reasonable to think an engagement is also in Jill’s near future: She and Derick Dillard are older than Jessa and Ben and are more established in their careers. Plus, older brother Josh Duggar proposed to now-wife Anna Duggar after five months of courtship (and they married three months later).

Jessa Duggar - Jill Duggar - Duggar Courtships

Details on the older children’s educations

Now that seven of the Duggar children are of college age, it sounds like we may hear more about their plans for higher education: In a Zap2It clip, Jessa casually mentions a lot will change in the coming years as the older ones “will be gone, married, college, whatever.”

In the past, the Duggars have been big advocates of CollegePlus, an Internet program.

“Like most young adults, our older children wanted to further their education. But, they also needed a flexible college option that could be customized to their individual learning styles, academic abilities, life goals and our rather unique schedule challenges,” Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar say in a promotion.

Although that is likely a good fit for some of the kids, it would be nice to see others explore new options — like going to a brick and mortar institution with other students.

New babies

Mother-of-19 Michelle Duggar is very open about her desire for another baby.

“I would be so grateful if the Lord blessed us with another one. We’re trying at this point and we shall see if that is a possibility,” she said in October. A new preview shows she continues that pursuit during the season by getting blood work and other medical tests done.

In that same preview, Anna Duggar said she has some “big news.” Although I’m highly skeptical that the text message she’s reading contains pregnancy news, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her and Josh discussing trying for a fourth baby during this season.

The eighth season of 19 Kids and Counting premieres on TLC tonight at 9/8c.

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