
VIDEOS Big Brother 12’s Monet Stunson, CBS veteran and 2009 Miss Illinois runner-up

Monet Stunson

One of the house guests looking to take home the $500,000 grand prize for season 12 of Big Brother is 24-year-old model Monet Stunson from Glen Carbon, Illinois.  Before being cast for BB Monet won a local TV contest sponsored by KMOV in St. Louis and landed a spot on the long-running CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless.

Via her bio page on CBS she mentions this appearance when asked, “What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?”  I did some digging and was able to unearth the following video in which KMOV’s Stephanie Simmons surprises the lovely Monet with the announcement that she has won.  In the video Monet tells the host that she was one of ten finalists out of over 400 participants!

Good ol’ local television.  Did you get a load of how tall Monet is (5’11”)?  The producers of BB are going to have to be on their toes to make sure they get all of Monet’s work of art in the shot.

In addition to her appearance on The Young and the Restless Miss Monet was runner-up for Miss Illinois in 2009.  Here is the video of her getting a not-so-pleasant surprise when it was announced that she had come in second place:

Being a veteran of CBS, rumors are floating around that Monet may be the infamous “Saboteur” – the new surprise twist for season 12.  This could be the case, from these videos she seems calm even while being surprised.  My money is on another guest and if you’re interested in who I think this predetermined fly in the ointment is going to be you can check out that post here.

Will Monet Stunson surprise us all as the Saboteur, or will she stand tall and walk away with the big bucks?  If had the Power of Veto I certainly would keep all 5’11” of Monet in the house for as long as I could!

Is your attraction to the Big Brother house drama bordering on unhealthy? Then you need to check out BecauseYoureAddicted.com for (almost) around-the-clock coverage of the Big Brother 12 live feed including quotes, photos, synopses and commentary! It’s one dedicated fan watching the feed 15 hours a day so you don’t have to!

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