
VIDEO Wendy Williams gets emotional discussing fellow Jersey girl Whitney Houston, addiction

Wendy Williams keeps it real and that usually results in some hilarious and memorable day time TV. On Monday, however, the host got extremely emotional when she addressed the passing of fellow Jersey girl Whitney Houston and the trappings of addiction.

Wendy summarized the similarities between herself and Whitney in regards to being Jersey girls, one-time addicts and around the same age. She has a beautiful reflection of how she always imagined meeting Whitney and how it would be a victorious culmination of recovering from addiction. She then shared her own past and encouraged everyone listening to call out the ones in their lives who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.

“I felt very close to Whitney even though this is a woman I’ve never met. I’ve never even been in the same room with her except for one time in my life. Some of the things Whitney and I have in common that bonded us: the love of our mother and our father… and both plagued with the demon of substance abuse.”

Williams added:

“It’s been almost 15 years since I last smoked last from a crack pipe. It’s been almost 15 years since I waited on Jerome Avenue in the Bronx for my drugs.I knew I’d meet her one day, but I always pictured that time to be in our late 50s, 60s with her being the No. 1 spokesperson for ‘Say No.’ I just for some reason thought that’s what she’d do. It’s what I want to do. I just thought we’d meet, and we’d hug and we’d be sober and older.”

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