VIDEO Teen Mom Farrah Abraham interview on Dr. Drew “On Call”
Teen Mom Farrah Abraham appeared on Dr. Drew’s On Call show Thursday and answered some tough questions from viewers about her personal life as well as the show’s impact on teen pregnancy.
The clip kicks off with Dr. Drew talking with Farrah about how much Sophia, now three years old, has grown since Farrah’s episode of 16 and Pregnant first premiered. Farrah says Sophia is “doing great” and that she’s very talkative. “She goes to early learning school, she’s very intelligent – I’m happy for my baby!” She then reveals that Sophia’s favorite word is “meatballs.” I’m guessing that’s because of her mom’s propensity in the kitchen, but perhaps Sophia’s early learning school is really progressive and allows their students to watch Jersey Shore.
Dr. Drew then mentions Farrah and Sophia will be participating in the March of Dimes’ “March for Babies” event later this month.
“April 28th in Miami me and Sophia are going to do the walk and do the breakfast and other things with the public, and raise funds for newborns,” Farrah confirms. “I’m very excited.”
Dr. Drew then moves on to a question from a caller in Louisiana who makes the very familiar suggestion that shows like Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant encourage teens to get pregnant more than deter them, to which Farrah responded by saying, “I think what our show is doing is bringing teen pregnancy to light so that it does not encourage teens to continue to get pregnant. And, teen pregnancies are down.”
Dr. Drew then pointed out some of the recent studies that reveal teen pregnancy is “waaaay” down. He points out “the teenage birthrate fell 9% from 2009 to 2010.” The current rate, which is approximately 34 teenage births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19, is the lowest it has been since 1946! The drop is even being called the “16 and Pregnant effect” among researchers and members of the media.
The next caller asks, “Don’t you think that focusing on yourself with plastic surgery and modeling is being selfish and taking away from your child’s needs?”
“Actually, I would disagree,” Farrah replies. “My daughter’s college is already paid for. I take care of all of her food, her schooling, everything … From working on my own jobs I have saved money and helped my own self confidence, which has made me more successful.” Farrah then adds, “I think it’s helped me be a better mom because I’m happy.”
The next question came from Twitter and was well under the 140 character limit. “How old do you feel?” “I feel like I’m 38.”
Then, another question from Twitter: “If you could do it all over again, would you get pregnant again?” Farrah responded emphatically, “I would not get pregnant again. I want to wait to have a kid later. You know, married, maybe 30.”
Dr. drew asked if her relationship with Marcel Kaminstein had been aired yet, and Farrah gave him a funny look. She then talked a bit about her current relationship status, “Right now I’m not dating, I’m being a mom.”
“What’s the biggest struggle you face with raising Sophia without a father?” a phone caller asks.
“There’s a lot. And currently it’s moving,” Farrah says. “Just struggling with everything back and forth: transportation, appointments …” Farrah reveals Sophia is in early learning school and that she tries to get a lot of her work and schooling done while Sophia is in school.
Another caller then asks, “Farrah, how is the relationship with your mom now?”
Farrah replied rather awkwardly, “Currently I don’t – I mean…”
Dr. Drew stepped in and said, “I saw them a couple weeks ago – when were we in New York together, about three weeks ago, a month ago? They seemed good then, but with these two it kind of goes up and down.”
“I think it’s hard to work with your mom, and also be a daughter with your mom, and have her be a grandma,” Farrah says. “Just balancing all of those different views, it’s very hard. But, you know, we’re trying.”
The fourth and final season of Teen Mom is set to premiere June 19 on MTV. Farrah Abraham’s book, My Teenage Dream Ended, is set to be released a week later on June 26.