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VIDEO Philippe Pautesta’s proposal to Miami Housewife Marysol Patton

Philippe Pautesta and Marysol Patton from The Real Housewives of Miami

I can’t say that I blame Mr. Philippe Pautesta for busting out with a rush proposal to Miami Housewife Marysol Patton. I mean if I had just went through the couch test with Marysol’s wine-sipping self proclaimed witch mother Miss Elsa than I too would have done ANYTHING to be part of that family!

In the following preview clip for next week’s episode Bravo has provided the entire scene in which boyfriend Philippe Pautesta proposes to Marysol Patton. Here’s the candid and tearful moment in which Philippe romances his lady like only a Frenchman can!

As Sade sings, he’s a smooth operator who also had the good since to bring some serious bling to the table.  We haven’t been provided much info on our lover man via the show but I was able to dig up a little on Philippe which you can read about here.

If you’re unable to catch this video where you’re at here’s the full transcript of the proposal:

Philippe: So I went to talk to your father.

Marysol: Did you go to the club for drinks?

P: Not quite, we started at his office.

M: Oh that’s so nice.  Did you go see him because of his surgery?

P: That wasn’t the point. We sat down and we talked about me and you, you and me and my question to him…

M: What question to him?

P: Well I asked for your hands.

M: You asked him for my hands?  Did he flip out!?!

RHOM's Elsa Patton

P: Well he said something to me that was very interesting.  “It’s like it’s all so sudden and I don’t even know how to pronounce your last name but I do appreciate because of your young age for you to come here and be so gentlemen like and ask me my most precious, my daughter’s hands.”  So I’m, you know, in front of you right now asking you if you want to spend the rest of your life with me.

M: Are you serious?

P: Yes I am and I have a little something for you.  It’s for you (presents the MONSTER ring).

M: Oh my God chéri.  Are you kidding me?

P: Do you want to marry me? Give me your hand.

M: Are you serious?

P: I believe I am.

M: Oh my God.  Are you kidding me?

P: Yes, that’s a joke.

M: Is this a joke?

P: No it’s not.

M: Oh my God. Yes chéri of course I love you so much.

P: You do?

M: I do.  I do want to marry you

P: It’s very quick for you and I but its been a long time that we know each other.  A kiss for me.  I’m in charge of your happiness now.

M: I’m in shock.  I’m in shock.  Oh my God I’m in shock.

Congrads to Philippe on the promise of becoming a future son-in-law of the fabulous Miss Elsa, oh and winning Marysol’s hand in marriage too of course.

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