
VIDEO News reporter debunks the hype about Ebola ‘we do not have an outbreak’

Ebola Victims

News of American health professionals contracting the Ebola virus (pictured above) has caused nothing short of an uproar. Heck, it has even affected the stock market!

It seems you can’t turn on the TV without hearing about the recent Ebola scare. Some news outlets are calling it an outbreak while others are claiming it’s an epidemic. For viewers, it can be hard to sort through the facts versus the hype and decipher which content is meant to inform us or scare us.

So, what exactly is Ebola and, more importantly, is it something we should be worried about?

Ebola CDC Pic

Shepard Smith, a veteran news anchor, took to the airwaves to debunk myths, quiet the gossip, and reassure Americans the Ebola virus is, at this time, not a threat to our country.

In fact, Shepard even condemned news sources who are falsely instilling fear in viewers saying, “The people to say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible.”

Smith went on to remind us that politics may be playing a role in how government officials are responding to this medical issue in light of upcoming midterm elections.

Check out the video to see for yourself.

We sure hope Shepard Smith is right!

The Washington Post also released this video explaining what the Ebola virus is including key facts such as how it’s spread and what can be done to stop it.

If you want to learn more about the Ebola virus, check out the website for the Center for Disease Control.

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