VIDEO Man in high-speed car then low-speed skateboard chase stopped by reality star


In one of the most Los Angeles stories you’ll ever hear, a guy who led police on a high-speed chase in a stolen BMW and then a low-speed chase on a skateboard was eventually stopped by the lead star of a long-running popular reality TV show.

In the video from a news copter you see the BMW being driven by the criminal swerving in and out of traffic at high speeds – nearly missing some serious collisions. He eventually rear ends another car.

The guy immediately exits the vehicle and emerges on foot carrying a skateboard. At one point while trying to make his getaway from the cops he actually tried the board but quickly gave up on that mode of transport.

Eventually he gets pinned in by a good Samaritan driving a red truck that might look familiar to fans of the show Operation Repo. That’s right! The guy who halted the getaway was none other than the truTV show’s former star – Lou Pizarro.

Lou told ABC7, “I seen the guy running with a skateboard in his hand, and he’s running from the cops, they’re like right on him, there’s about six or seven cops, and he got on his skateboard and he started moving, and it was just instinct just to block the guy off, slow him down a little bit. That’s all I could do.”

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