VIDEO Jill Dillard is pregnant with baby number 2

Derick and Jill Dillard

Another lil Duggar is on the way! (Well, technically a lil Dillard, but still.) Derrick and Jill Dillard announced via video earlier today that Jill is currently pregnant with their second child.

Here’s the clip:

“We are expecting!” Derick says at the beginning.

“We were really excited when we found out we were expecting,” Jill adds. “I had been through, like, hundreds of pregnancy tests,” she reveals.

“She bought like a whole big bag online,” Derick chimes in, chuckling.

Jill says that after she got her first positive result she took “like three” just to make sure. “I was so excited,” she says before looking up at Derick and correcting herself: “We were so excited!”

Jill Dillard pregnant again

So how does the couple think their one-year-old son will handle having a sibling? “Israel is gonna be a great big brother,” Jill says. “He already loves, just, other little babies. The only thing I think he’s gonna have to work on is learning that babies that are smaller than you, you have to be more gentle with.”

Derick echoed Jill’s sentiments about their eldest son. “Israel’s going to be a fantastic big brother,” he says. Derick reveals that they have shown Israel where the baby is, which might confuse him a bit because what he used to call “stomach” is now “baby.” I’m sure Israel will get used to it over the next 20 years or so. 😉

In addition to the video, Derick and Jill also posted this announcement on their blog:

Jill Dillard pregnant again announcement with Israel

Words can not describe how excited we all are that God has blessed us with another precious gift!

We are eager for another sweet Dillard baby to join our lives, and we know Israel will be a great big brother.

Don’t forget to check back here often for updates on our family and our ministry and remember to tune in Counting On on TLC as this pregnancy unfolds! We are so excited!!!

Love, the Dillards (party of 4!)

Jill is reportedly due in July.

In case you missed it, Jill’s sister Jessa Seewald announced in August that she is currently pregnant with her second child as well. So it looks like the race is on — and you can watch it all when Counting On returns to TLC in 2017!

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