Meet new Unexpected couple Emalee and Nate – and their son Westley! PHOTOS BIO

TLC Unexpected Emalee and Nate

It was revealed last month that the new season of TLC’s popular teen pregnancy reality series Unexpected would feature two new moms along with two returning moms, Lilly Bennett and Jenna Ronan. We are now getting details on the two new moms, as well as the dads and the babies!

The first new couple we will feature are Emalee and Nathaniel from Astoria, Oregon. Emalee turned 18 in October, but she got pregnant when she was 17. I believe Nate will be turning 17 early next month. (It’s either 16 or 17, but everything points to the latter.)

Emalee gave birth to her and Nate’s baby boy, Westley, on January 2, 2023. The birth looks to have been in a hospital delivery room with Nate present, so hopefully Unexpected viewers won’t be subjected to another Jason and Kylen situation!

Unexpected Season 6 Emalee and Nate

Based on social media posts, Emalee has two siblings — an older and a younger brother.

Despite just being a teen, Nate has already had quite a bit of media exposure. He’s an accomplished Motocross racer with a very impressive resume given his young age!

I am guessing that we will see Nate’s passion for Motocross as a major story line this season. Does it interfere with his school? Does he want to continue pursuing Motocross instead of getting a “real job” to support his family?

Are Emalee and Nate still together?

Both Emalee and Nate currently have the other tagged in their Instagram profiles, which would certainly seem to indicate they are still together — or at least co-parenting well. (I will continue to look into their relationship status and update if I find anything more concrete.)

The Everything TLC Unexpected Facebook page shared photos of Emalee and Nate earlier today, and admin Susanna Resch (who has VERY reliable sources when it comes to Unexpected production) was asked when the show will be returning. Here’s her response:

Unfortunately there isn’t an exact date released yet, but since they are just now completing filming with the new cast members, we can only assume that at earliest would be another August release. But, that’s again just my personal assumption. There has not been any word at all — not even from production or cast members. Nobody at this point knows exactly when. I will definitely keep the group posted as soon as I hear anything I will let you guys know.

Hell, they might surprise us and finish up editing and give us a mid summer premiere. Ha, doubt it, IMO that’s highly unlikely, but either way they need to hurry it up.

Stay tuned for more Unexpected updates!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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