Tila Tequila gives birth to baby daughter

Pregnant Tila Tequila

It’s kind of hard to believe I am about to type this, but… Tila Tequila is a mom! The 33-year-old former reality star and social media marketing pioneer reportedly gave birth to a daughter on Sunday, November 17.

“She’s soooo perfect and beautiful!” Tila told Too Fab. “I am completely in love with her.”

So what did Tila Tequila name her baby daughter? What may come as a surprise to lots of folks (You might recall our list of potable suggestions like Rosa Mimosa, Jeannie Martini, Mona Corona and Lolita Margarita.), Tila opted for a rather non-eyebrow-raising moniker: Isabella Monroe Nguyen.

UPDATE – Us Weekly has since confirmed the pregnancy as well, but they are reporting that Tila Tequila’s daughter’s name is Isabella Monroe Nguyen, not Isabelle.

Tila Tequila 40 weeks pregnant

On Saturday Tila posted a pregnancy update on her website titled “40 weeks pregnant and still no baby!” Tila shared the photo above and wrote, “I have decided to take ONE LAST PREGNANCY PHOTO because I have a feeling that soon after this blog goes up…. this crazy baby will finally make her grand entrance into this world!”

She concluded the post by writing, “The next time I post up a blog the baby should already be here! YAYYYY! FINALLY! Come on Baby Tila… we’re all waiting for your arrival you little Diva!!!!! Mommy loves youuuuuuuu! 🙂 <3 " A couple weeks ago Tila posted the photo at the top of this post on instagram and captioned it with, "Holy cow! Lord Jesus Christ y'all pray for me! Lol! And how could any Mother not love their babies after putting our bodies through this for 40 weeks???? #DamnSon! But hey... still.. #NoStretchMarks Woohoo! I Feel her coming tho, any day now! Prayyyyyy it goes smoothly! Omg #Nervous" Tila has not revealed who the baby's father is, but many believe it is her ex, musician Thomas Whitaker, who publicly stated he was indeed the father back in April.

Aside from the identity of the father, Tila has been very open with fans throughout her pregnancy, including a series of inspirational posts and photos earlier this year. Here’s a post from April in which Tila talks about becoming a mother:

Being a single Mother is not going to be easy, but I know it’s for the best. I have been able to overcome every single obstacle in life that has ever been thrown at me, and come out of it a better person every time. I don’t believe this situation is any different as I believe that God has a plan for us all. What matters is that God has blessed me with a baby and a chance to start a new life for myself and my child. If the environment was not something healthy for the baby to be around then I believe it was God that was the one who took us away to a safer environment where we will be able to grow, and thrive. Sometimes there are people out there who have grown up in very vicious family cycles, and at one point or another it’s up to the adults to know when to BREAK that cycle once a new baby is brought into this world, and as a mother that is exactly what I must do and will continue to do.

I will break the cycle so that my baby will have a chance at a proper life and I am going to spoil my child with all the love, and support that he could ever imagine! Everything I do will all go to my baby. This brings me the most joy to know that I can spoil him and give him the world! God tells me that everything will be just fine, and whatever other people have to say about me and my unborn baby, that is between them and God at the end of the day. Nor will I badmouth the Father of my child for the sake of my child. Nor do I believe it is classy to go off running your mouth to the media about it. I just do not work that way, but hey I cannot control what other people choose to do or say or what their true intentions are. I just hope that people can rise above their own selfish desires and see that every action they take will effect the baby. With that being said I know I will be a wonderful mother and will protect my baby at all costs from being exposed to any foul play or harm. With that being said I am still the happiest I have ever been in life and I feel very much at peace knowing that God has provided me with everything I ever need for myself, and my baby. ♥

Congratulations to Tila! We can’t wait to see the first photo of little Isabella!

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