The Bachelor 2010 contestant Cristy photos and brief bio

The Bachelor Season 15's Cristy

The Bachelor 15 contestant Cristy is a blond 30-year-old attorney from Davie, Florida.

Here’s a brief but fun Q&A with Cristy from ABC:

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
iPod with an unlimited batter supply (got to have tunes)
Sunscreen because I never tan just burn
A friend to keep me company

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
The Alchemist – helped bring perspective into my life when I was at a low point, great message, great story

Tattoo Count:

I hate it when my date:
Puts no thought into the evening, is sloppy and lacks conversation skills.

What is your worst date memory?
Finding out my date had been a date prior to mine that same night. Oh, and then him asking his friend to take me home when I said I wouldn’t be sleeping with him.

Do you have additional info or photos of Cristy you would like to share? Drop us a line at starcasmtips (at)!

Check out all the other women competing for the heart and hand of Brad Womack in The Bachelor 2011! (Just click on the thumbnails and hop from woman to woman just like Brad gets to do!)

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