PHOTOS VIDEOS The Bachelor’s “Lyndsie J” is Lyndsie Lou of

Lyndsie J is the British woman from The Bachelor 16 with Ben Flajnik

When scrolling through the list of names and hometowns of contestants competing for Ben Flajnik on Season 16 of The Bachelor there were a few eyebrow raising moments for me, one of which was Lyndsie J’s hometown… London, England!

That’s right, among the 25 ladies pitching woo and whispering sweet nothings in the ear of Ben Flajnik will be one doing so with a British accent!

Aside from her over-the-pond hometown, a couple photos, and a brief Q&A there was very little information available on Lyndsie J, but my curiosity was peaked so I whipped out the ol’ web sleuthing magnifying glass and went in search of more info on this blond bombshell from the UK.

British blond Lyndsie J of The Bachelor 16 is Lyndsie Lou from

Under occupation Lyndsie listed “Internet Entrepreneur” and I found out exactly what that means – Lyndsie J is actually “Lyndsie Lou” James of the web site The site contains videos and blog entries about the single life in The Valley and Lyndsie Lou is the star of it all. Here is the intro video from the site:

And here is her own “About Me:”

I’m Lyndsie Lou, the cheeky blonde, and no I’m not from here. I grew up all around the world, many countries far and near. I somehow landed here in town, in the good ol’ USA. Now you’re stuck with me, I’m here full time, HIP HIP HOORAY!! Originally stemming from the great UK, Though when I tell this to people, they often do say: “That’s not true, that’s not right, Your teeth are straight and white!” Because I’m blonde, because I giggle, they say I don’t look smart. But I speak Japanese, I have 2 degrees, so I definitely think that’s a start! I have a big smile and I have a big heart, Naughty and nice, I can play either part!! I’ve been here for quite the few years, My accent is adored by my peers. But they’re all convinced I wear veneers!!! But I’m all real, I’m all ME, There’s no one else Id rather be! I love to laugh, I’m Lyndsie Lou! So if you don’t like corny jokes, I’m not for YOU!

A Bit About Lyndsie Lou

Lyndsie J from The Bachelor 16 as Lyndsie Lou Facebook pictureWhere I Call Home: Switzerland, Pakistan, Swaziland, Japan, England, and now Arizona!

These are a Few of My Favorite Things: Traveling, socializing, eating, board games, comedy clubs, movies, music, dancing, swimming, being pool side, debating, laughing, fashion, road trips, being controversial, family, friends, standing out, snuggling.

Unique Talent: I can sing the Swazi National Anthem

Likes: Genuine and sincere people, whipped cream, cheese, ranch, sunny weather, England, reality TV, jokes, custard, romance, puns, dressing up, open mindedness

Dislikes: Arrogance, ignorance, jealous and controlling people, selfishness, cilantro, shitake mushrooms, being cold, worms, gory movies, judgmental people, punk music.

Best Dating Advice in a Nutshell: Always be yourself. Never try to be someone you’re not just to be liked or desired.

Amazingly, there really aren’t a lot of great photos of Lyndsie out there. (I’m not a big fan of the official ABC photo – for some reason it makes her nose seem odd. Anyone else get that?) Aside from the nice photo above from’s home page here’s the best I could do, which is a picture of Lyndsie dressed as a white Russian (and her pal as a Gleek):

The Bachelor's Lyndsie Lou wearing a White Russian costume with a friend as a Gleek

UPDATE – Found a better picture! (I never thought about it before, but there should be more photos of attractive women in front of cacti – it’s a great contrast.) We’re still looking for that surprisingly elusive Lyndsie Lou bikini photo though…

The Bachelor's Lynsdie J is Lyndsei Lou James of

On all the other Bachelor contestant profiles I’ve done the ol’ “Pro, Con, and Heterosexual dude notes” so I suppose I should continue that tradition with Lyndsie Lou.

Pro: British accents are kinda sexy. Also, sexy blonds are kinda sexy. (Oh, and if that isn’t a butt double in that intro clip above we can add a mighty fine Lyndsie Loukadonk to the pros list!)

Con: Although I can’t attest to this from personal experience, I assume the sexiness of an accent will wear off pretty quick.

Heterosexual dude notes: Her “Lyndsie Lou” persona is a little over the top, but the real Lyndsie James behind it seems like a smart gal with a good sense of humor and what appears to be an amazing figure. Where is that bikini photo?!? Somebody help a blogger out! (UPDATE – Somebody did help a blogger out! Keep scrolling down for a not-so-revealing bikini photo of Lyndsie. Hey, it’s the best we could do!)

On the web site Lyndsie Lou does all sorts of interviews with people on the street as well as on lacation at local businesses and events, but she also shares her “Joke of the Week” in which it’s obvious she’s not one to worry about political correctness:

Here is the brief Q&A with Lyndsie James from ABC as well as the only known Lyndsie James bikini photo in existence!

The Bachelor contestant Lyndsie J bikini photo as Lyndsie Lou JamesLyndsie J

Age: 29

Occupation: Internet Entrepreneur

Hometown: London, England

What are your 3 best attributes?
Outgoing, Funny, REAL

Do you like being the center of attention?
Center of attention! I’m the most outgoing, open-minded person you will ever meet. I love to have fun and live life to the fullest! I love to entertain & make people smile, laugh and have a good time. So being the center of attention allows me to do this.

What is the best trip you have been on & why?
Port Douglas, Australia. My family and I rented a house near the beach and went snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. The people in the town were amazing, the food was delicious, the Great Barrier Reef is spectacular and I was with my family.

Tattoo Count: 0

What’s your worst date memory?
The time my date crashed my car into a pole and didn’t pay to fix it.

Are you a friend of Lyndsie’s and would like to share some more information, funny stories, or one of those elusive bikini photos? Comment below or drop us a line at starcasmtips (at)!

Lyndsie J of The Bachelor 16 meets Ben Flajnik in episode 1

Official profile photo at the top:
Craig Sjodin/ABC Television Group © 2011 Disney

Meeting Ben Flajnik photo:
Rick Rowell/ABC Television Group © 2011 Disney


Out of appreciation for Lyndsie I saved her introduction clip until last because she seems as though she hadn’t quite gotten used to being in front of the camera yet. (To be honest, I kind of like the awkwardness.)

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