The Artist’s Uggie is sick with mysterious shaking disease; retiring after The Oscars

If you haven’t seen the magically entertaining The Artist, you’re missing out on a real heckofan entertaining, whimsical film, and you’re also missing out on the full charms of Uggie, Jack Russell Terrier Extraordinaire. (The Artist is a black-and-white silent film, which sounds boring, but it’s absolutely the best bit of fun you could possibly have at the movie theater, or at your home theater if you DVD it when it comes out.)

Uggie narrowly escaped a trip the pound when trainer Omar Von Muller rescued him and trained him into the skillful actor he is today. 10-year-old Uggie was previously seen in early 2011’s Water for Elephants, but truly won the hearts of the world in his show-stealing performance in The Artist. Unfortunately though, after Uggie massive success (which should result in an Oscar, but we’re award shows are so human-centric,) he’s going to have to retire because he’s suffering from a mysterious shaking illness.

Uggie’s not gonna disappear right away, though, he’s currently rehearsing for a “Farewell” performance at the Oscars next month. Uggie’s been working VERY hard to promote The Artist, especially during awards’ season. He shows up to interviews, appearances, and red carpets everywhere ready to perform with everything’s he’s go. Anyone would need a break after all that. So sad that Uggie’s sick!

Uggie killin’ us with cuteness at the Golden Globes:

Uggie with Omar Von Muller, the man who rescued him and taught him all his moves :

Here’s some of Uggie’s best bits:

Uggie’s also an accomplished skateboarder:

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