TEEN MOM 2 Vee lashes out at ‘disgusting’ ‘entitled’ haters, then deletes Twitter account
Teen Mom 2 star Vetzabe “Vee” Torres is currently more than eight months pregnant. The 24-year-old first-time mom-to-be decided last week that she didn’t want to deal with the negativity of social media once her baby arrived, so she deleted her Twitter account. But, before saying farewell to the Twitterverse, Vee had quite a few things to get off her chest!
As a preface, I should point out that Vee’s rather vague tweet of “2cm ?” on September 17 spawned a number of websites and fan groups to report she had gone into early labor. This, in turn, angered Vee, who thought these sites were overreacting. All of the other tweets are pretty self-explanatory.
Vee’s tweets are in bold; others’ tweets are in italics:
2cm ?
I just read that you are in early labour. Is that true? ??
that doesn’t mean I’m in early labor lol. God people are so dumb
hahaha it was very specific so I thought not. Apparently you’re 2 cms dilated haha
technically you ARE in early labor if you are dilating in general. It’s just not active labor. There r stages.
they made it seem like i was laying in a hospital bed giving birth so that’s why I said NO im not in labor..
oh.. no this stage can last a while they are totally wrong lol :-)! Good luck on your delivery!
?? haha I read it was like uh this doesn’t sound right. I’ll just ask lol. Good luck when you do into labour ???
can’t wait to see pictures I am sure she’s gonna be beautiful like her mama
unfortunately I won’t be sharing her for a while! I’m deleting my Twitter soon & don’t have IG. Sorry
we’ll definitely respect that
People need to do me a favor & stop worrying/talking about my child. She’s nobodies f**king business & obviously I would never have agreed 2 have a child with somebody if she couldn’t be supported. I’m 24 f**king years old & have my sh!t together don’t know if I can say the same about anybody else. She will FOREVER be good. As far as everyone else & their negativity I feel sorry for you. Stop worrying about people who don’t even know you exist!
No matter what u do there will always be haters. Ur happy and secure in ur relationship that is all that matters. Do u.
I know! I just don’t need anyone talking about my daughter. people are disgusting.
What happened?
tired of seeing people talk about my daughter like if they know ANYTHING. only one that needs to worry about her is jo & myself.. Everybody needs to worry about their own. I never been worried about another persons child in my life as much as strangers do. It’s so ridiculous.
People need to clean out their own closets before opening yours
seriously lol. My closets looking pretty amazing compared to others probably. Idk what makes people seem so entitled
JEALOUSSSSSSS Cowards! Ignore it girl. Don’t give them any attention (=which will DRIVE THEM NUTS!) Honestly, I recommend Jo’s strategy-stay the hell off this crap. It does nothing but get u sick &angry from ppl who R idiots
im deleting after I have the baby. Just as I did my IG. Matter of fact I’m due anyday now so might as well delete it now lol I’ve had my Twitter fun lol
woosah! I wouldn’t even acknowledge the negativity. Do you and eff everyone else and their irrelevant opinions ??
lmao I know baby just makes me sick that there are disgusting people out there!
Surround yourself with positive people! I have zero room in my life for negativity! #swerve #nothere
love uuuuuu ????
love you too boo ?? text me when you have the babyyyyyy ???????
of course I will send u a pic of her once she’s all cleaned of course lmao ??? #beawareofthattextprettysoon
yay! I cannot wait! ????
don’t delete your account because of other people out there. Start blocking people that are drama. Would love to keep up with u
I’m not deleting it because of them. I decided a long time ago I was going to especially now with the baby. Ppl just make it easier lol. Either way in done with social media I just want to be about my family & that’s it.
sorry to see you go. You are one of my favorite step parents from the show. You are the definition of what one should be.