Suitcase filled with mutilated body parts discovered near Twitter headquarters

Suitcase near Twitter

After San Francisco police were called to investigate a suspicious package on Wednesday afternoon, they were horrified to discover the suitcase in question was filled with body parts. More dismembered parts were discovered in the area, which is a block from the Twitter headquarters. Officers had to call in the medical examiner to verify the parts are indeed human.

“This was an extremely gruesome crime scene,” police spokesperson Grace Gatpandan told The San Francisco Gate.

The spokesperson added the race and gender of the victim is not immediately known and investigators are also trying to determine if there is more than one body. Police are working with a “preliminary, distinct suspect description,” but aren’t releasing the information to the public.

Although the area is described as an up-and-coming tech corridor, there is a history of crime problems and a large number of homeless people.

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