Sony to release The Interview on Christmas day after all
If you’re gonna dirty dance with the USA, there’s one thing you need to remember… “Nobody puts ‘merica in a corner!”
Reversing its position after the reported North Korea hacking, Sony has announced that it will be releasing The Interview on Christmas day as originally planned — both in theaters and via video on demand. “We have never given up on releasing The Interview and we’re excited our movie will be in a number of theaters on Christmas Day,” said Michael Lynton, Chariman and CEO of Sony Entertainment. “At the same time, we are continuing our efforts to secure more platforms and more theaters so that this movie reaches the largest possible audience.”
Lynton adds, “I want to thank our talent on The Interview and our employees, who have worked tirelessly through the many challenges we have all faced over the last month. While we hope this is only the first step of the film’s release, we are proud to make it available to the public and to have stood up to those who attempted to suppress free speech.”
The theatrical release will be limited, with the Texas-based Alamo Drafthouse being one of the first to announce it will be showing the film:
Breaking news: Sony has authorized screenings of THE INTERVIEW on Christmas Day. We are making shows available within the hour. #Victory
— Tim League (@timalamo) December 23, 2014
See the movie North Korea really, REALLY doesn't want you to see….this time for realsies.
— Alamo Drafthouse DFW (@AlamoDFW) December 23, 2014
The Plaza Atlanta followed suit:
Breaking Plaza News:
The Interview will open Exclusive on 12/25 . The Plaza will be one of the few theaters in the nation to open the film .
— Plaza Atlanta (@PlazaAtlanta) December 23, 2014
The Wrap reports that The Interview will also be release via video on demand on Christmas, though there are as yet no details.
UPDATE – Seth Rogen, James Franco and others are responding to the news that The Interview will be released in theaters after all:
The people have spoken! Freedom has prevailed! Sony didn't give up! The Interview will be shown at theaters willing to play it on Xmas day!
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) December 23, 2014
Thanks to everyone who didn't give up on our movie! @Sethrogen & I are humbled & overwhelmed by your support. Hope you enjoy the film!
— Evan Goldberg (@evandgoldberg) December 23, 2014
WE DID IT! THANK YOU ALL! ENJOY THE MOVIE! @Sethrogen @evandgoldberg @JamesFrancoTV @thedianabang @dansterl @SonyPictures @BarackObama
— Randall Park (@parkrandall) December 23, 2014
Surely peace with North Korea and at least one Vogue cover is in the works, right?
#VogueCoversForPeace @Sethrogen @JamesFrancoTV @KimJongNumberUn #WorldsMostTalkedAboutTrio
— Starcasm (@starcasm) December 18, 2014