
SEEKING SISTER WIFE The Winder Family welcomes a new baby! PHOTOS

The Winder family from TLC’s Seeking Sister Wife has welcomed a new baby to their family.

See the first pictures here and find out the meaning behind their unique and adorable name…

Seeking Sister Wife

Seeking Sister Wife is a TLC series that follows polygamist families looking to expand their broods by adding new wives to the mix. It also shares some couples lives as they adjust to newly added additions.

The show premiered in 2018 and has run for 4 successful seasons. A 5th is expected, but no release date has been given.

A spin off called Seeking Brother Husband aired in 2023 and garnered a lot of attention for showing the “flip side” known as polyandry, aka adding more men to the relationship.

The Winders

The Winder family was featured on seasons 2 and 3 of Seeking Sister Wife, though their efforts to add to their family were ultimately unsuccessful.

One of the only religious polygamist families on the show, rumor has it they were “canned” for not being scandalous enough. The Winders are not offended, as the sweet trio has continued to update fans on social media on their own terms.

At present date it appears they still haven’t had any luck finding a 3rd wife, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a lot to celebrate. The Winders have added an adorable new addition to their family, a baby birthed by first wife Tami.

Baby Winder is born

Posted on Instagram today were these adorable photos and the heartfelt caption, which explains baby girl’s name.

@thewinderfamily Genevieve Viera Winder made her appearance at 5:10 on Tuesday morning, weighing 6 pounds and 13 ounces, and measuring 20 inches long. Her mothers, father, and siblings are all in love, and she’s already the sweetest little girl.

Genevieve is a family name in both Tami’s and Colton’s families. Viera is the Slovak word for faith. It took a lot of faith to get her here, and we’re so thankful that our hope and faith have been rewarded. Mother and baby are both doing well. Thank you to all of you that have supported us on this journey! And thank you to Mama Sophie for the adorable outfits for her first pictures. #thewinderfamily #adventuresinwinderland #blessingsfromabove #sisterwives #winderfamily

Congrats to the Winder family on your cute new member!

Ashley Marie is a writer for Starcasm and the personality behind Twitter’s @RealityByAshley. You can contact Ashley via Twitter or email at realitybyashley(at)gmail.com

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