RHOSLC Does Duy Nguyen really want a Sister Wife so he can have more kids?
The storyline for new RHOSLC castmember Jennie Nguyen centers around her husband Duy’s intense desire to expand their family. Jennie is 45 years old and done with giving birth. The couple have three children, and Jennie has suffered through 10 pregnancy loses. The most devastating was the still birth of their daughter. Duy suggests that maybe they can practice polygamy and bring a sister wife into the family to have more kids, but Jennie believes that Duy has this desire because he still hasn’t grieved the loss of their daughter.
Duy broached the subject of adding a second wife while they were skiing on Episode 6. Jennie was enjoying having one-on-one time with Duy until he asked her to have more kids. She asked to know why he can’t just appreciate the three amazing kids they already have.
His answer: “I think we need to replenish the Earth right now. This world is in bad shape. It needs more good people.”
Jennie says she doesn’t have the energy to run after small children, and she wishes Duy would drop the subject. She lets him know that she feels she’s now too old to have a baby. She also tears up as she brings up the fact that she’s had ten miscarriages that have been very hard on her.
March 15th is anniversary of the day they lost their full-term baby girl. Jennie was knocked out for it, but the day is burned into Duy’s memories. He cries as he recalls that heartbreaking day and then suggests that they get a surrogate. Jennie objects again because she feels like she doesn’t have enough energy to raise a baby again. For this reason, adoption is out of the question too.
Duy, who is still intent on expanding their family then suggests a sister wife as a solution, which enrages Jennie. “Are you serious right now?” she asks.
In interview Duy reveals that polygamy is in his family and his grandfather had four wives. Jennie is also familiar with this practice in Vietnamsese culture because her dad had four girlfriends. However, she doesn’t want that for herself.
“If murder was not a felony, he would have been dead in the snow.” Jennie says in interview about when Duy brought up sister wives on the ski slope. Jennie had stormed off in anger, leaving Duy alone on the snow.
In the next episode, Jennie is still mad at Duy but upholds their regular oyster and martini date. Jennie lets Duy know she was really upset. Duy apologizes, but says it hurt when she walked away.
Jennie explains that from her perspective if she wants something that Duy can’t give her, she’s not going to look for another guy. Duy seems unmoved and asks her what other solution do they have?
Jennie: “You think having a sister wife is a solution? Isn’t that illegal?”
Duy argues that polygamy is now decriminalized in Utah. He argues that there are a lot of polygamists in Utah, and also all over the world, including Asia.
“What do you expect of a sister wife?” Jennie asks.
Duy, annoyed now, says “I don’t know sweetheart.”
Duy says that as a physician he has patients that are polygamists. One of these is a man with five wives and 40 kids. The kids “phenomenal” and go to college and Duy sees a bigger family as “more fun.”
Jennie points out that she’s not FDLS, but Catholic, which is a religion that doesn’t promote polygamy. Duy argues that not one of the ten commandments is against polygamy.
Jennie then starts crying over the fact that Duy wants her to share him with someone. She tells him he’s not putting himself in her shoes and its not fair to her.
Duy says he doesn’t want to sacrifice his relationship with Jennie, but he has an emptiness inside that he thinks more children will fill.
Jennie points out that every year around the anniversary of their daughter’s death, Duy brings up the emptiness in his heart. She thinks he hasn’t truly grieved her loss, and she suggests that he get some therapy to help him heal from his trauma.
Duy is resistant to therapy because in their culture getting mental health help is seem as a “failure” and like “something is wrong” with the person. However dealing with difficult moods and emoitions, especially after experiencing trauma, is not a failure, but a part of being human.