RHOC Why does Tamra’s oldest daughter Sidney not talk to her?

In the premiere episode of Real Housewives of Orange County Season 18, Tamra Judge opened up about how she hasn’t spoken to her oldest daughter Sidney (24) for a while. Now, there’s an update about where they currently stand.
When did Sidney stop talking to her mom Tamra?
During a reunion that aired in 2016, Tamra tearfully revealed that one day Sidney came to Tamra and said “I don’t want to live with you anymore. You’ve ruined my dad’s life.”
Sidney’s the oldest of three children Tamra shares with ex-husband Simon Barney.
Tamra told Entertainment Tonight that she asked to work through everything with Sidney and wanted to go to counseling, but says Simon put a stop to their therapy.
In 2015 Sidney even testified in a court hearing for her parents’ divorce and stated that she didn’t want to be around her mom and did not want to go to therapy with her.
An Update on Tamra’s daughter Sidney
Tamra Barney shared on PageSix‘s “Virtual-Reali Tea” podcast that there’s been progress with her daughter Sidney as she’s been reaching out to her siblings Spencer, 23, and Sophia, 18.
Tamra says that Sidney’s doing really well and is seeing success in the film industry, including behind the camera. “So she’s doing amazing things with her life, and that’s all I can really wish for,” Tamra says while fighting back tears.
“I mean, I can wish for more,” Tamra says. “but it’s on God’s hands really, God’s timing.”
“I’ve always been super close to Sophia. I was very close to Sydney. With Sophia, we talk all the time and I tell her that I love her all the time,” she explained.
“Unfortunately, Sidney’s on Simon’s side. She doesn’t really speak to any of us. It’s difficult. It’s like your child’s dead, but they’re still alive.”

“She’s just a very kind, kind soul,” Tamra says about Sophia. “Clearly I’m not like that. She’s just a good kid. I don’t know where the hell it came from.”