RHOBH What dark thing did Sutton say to Crystal?
During this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Crystal Kung Minkoff dropped a major but vague bomb about Sutton Stracke: she allegedly said a very “dark” thing when Crystal first met her. What did Sutton say?
Crystal revealed this as a defense when Garcell Beauvais insinuated that Crystal may have set Sutton up during their first interaction on camera.
When you and Sutton had your thing, I felt like no matter what she said—she could’ve said the sky is blue—you were going to say, ‘Are you that girl?’ ’cause I just felt like it was a setup,” Garcelle told Crystal.
“There was a lot more said, prior to that, that was very dark,” Crystal says. The rest of the girls were shocked to hear this and wanted to know more because the way Crystal put it made their minds think the worst.
Erika in particular, couldn’t hide her shock.

Kyle was there during this dark interaction, but Crystal told her that she probably “blocked it out of her head” because she was drunk.
Once everyone was riled up, Crystal said that they weren’t going to “go there” or bring up this dark thing Sutton had said.
A few days later, at an event at Sutton’s boutique, Kyle asked Sutton if everything was ok between her and Crystal. Sutton thought everything was fine, so Kyle told her that Cyrstal had told the group that Sutton had said something “dark.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say anything horrible,” Sutton says. Garcelle told her that Cyrstal had made it seem like whatever Sutton had said would change the dynamic between Garcell and Sutton.
Later, when confronted by the group, Crystal only clarified by saying that what Sutton had said was “problematic.”
Crystal continues to claim that Kyle doesn’t remember what Sutton says. Kyle insists that she does remember and that it wasn’t horrific. Crystal then says that maybe it’s not something that would affect Kyle, but would affect Garcelle more. Garcell then asks to know what Sutton said.
“No,” Crystal said. She also asked to not be told that the word “dark” is too much. She does say that whatever Sutton said is “forgivable.”
Crystal said she brought up that Sutton said something dark because Garcelle had accused Crystal of setting up Sutton to be perceived as problematic.
Sutton doesn’t want whatever she said to be brought up and just wants to go forward. Kyle insists that whatever Sutton said wasn’t that bad, and that Sutton is just afraid that whatever she said was worse than it was.
“The thing is that the can of worms that she opened. They are expired. They’re dead,” Sutton says.
“When you say ‘I don’t want to say what it is,’ you allow the person that you just told it to, to fill in the blanks with the worst possible sh!t ever,” Erika Girardi said about Crystal’s cryptic message. “If it’s that bad, then don’t f**king bring it up at all.”
Before Crystal sprung Sutton’s past words on the group, she had been discussing how she was triggered the night before when everyone was attacking Sutton over her being insensitive about Dorit’s robbery.
While talking with Kyle about Dorit’s horrifying situation, Sutton seemed blase about it and said she had problems too: namely that a designer she was flying in for an event (the same event that became the stage for the “dark conversation) was having trouble flying into the U.S.
Crystal was triggered because she felt like no one defended her against Sutton the year before when she said she’d felt violated by Sutton walking in her room when she was naked. Sutton was returning an item of clothing and didn’t know she was naked, but she also didn’t knock.
At the time all the other women told Crystal she was being too extreme by using the word “violated,” and she felt like they didn’t validate her feelings.
It’s all a very complicated and odd situation because, throughout this latest drama, Crystal has remained pretty tight with Sutton even though her issues with things Sutton said and did in the past are at the crux of what’s being discussed.
Will we ever find out what Sutton said? Will Kyle be the one to drop it since she said she witnessed the whole thing?