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RETURN TO AMISH Carmela and Jeremiah Raber split again, he says she stole his wallet & files police report

Return To Amish Jeremiah Raber Carmela break up again

Return To Amish couple Carmela and Jeremiah Raber have apparently split yet again. And of course it was chock full of drama — yet again. And Jeremiah took to Facebook to make sure everybody knows about it — yet again.

Jeremiah let his Facebook fans know that he was having a bad day with a Facebook post a couple of hours ago. “THE FINAL NAIL HAS BEEN DRIVEN INTO MY SOUL,” Jeremiah wrote in all caps.

That post was preceded by a series of angry comments left by Jeremiah on Carmela’s Facebook page. Carmela’s post was a link to the Linkin Park lyrics video for the song “Crawling,” and was created on Saturday. Jeremiah’s comments started earlier today and continued throughout the day — all focused on allegations that Carmela drove off with his wallet in the car and now refuses to return it.

During the course of his comment barrage (at least what is left of it after Carmela apparently deleted some of them), Jeremiah repeatedly asks that Carmela either toss his wallet in the driveway or return it to the police station. He also states that “there’s a police report on theft for you and they’re looking for you.”

The allegations don’t stop at the wallet theft, however. “The sad thing is not just my wallet that you took you actually consumed all my medication that was prescribed to me,” Jeremiah wrote.

In stark contrast, Carmela has not said ANYTHING on social media about the most recent split.

Here are Jeremiah’s comments posted on Carmela’s Facebook page, complete with photos. They are arranged chronologically from oldest to most recent — which is a span of about eight hours. Oddly, there are absolutely no other comments on the post. Normally folks would be reacting to Jeremiah, but all that is currently there are his posts. Oh, and I’m not sure what Jeremiah is referencing when he says “Magic Number 2” just prior to a countdown in his last comment?

UPDATE – It appears that Jeremiah and Carmela may have reconciled. Either he or she deleted the comments below and earlier today Jeremiah posted about having “Raber Family” shirts available to purchase. “They will be autographed and shipped by us!!” Jeremiah reveals. Carmela remains silent.


Funny how you’re deleting this cuz you don’t want people to know that you stole my wallet and there’s a police report on theft for you and they’re looking for you you have my ID my two debit cards and my social security card you have my entire wallet and you refuse to give it back

Do the smart thing drive past and throw my entire wallet with everything in it into the driveway

It is illegal for you to keep my wallet from me

I need my ID my social security card and two debit cards

Bring my wallet back with everything in it Carmela

Jeremiah Raber Carmela wallet theft case

Carmela what are you gaining by refusing in messages to throw my wallet into the driveway while I’m in side the house 300 feet away

You even said that you want to go to prison and not care about your kids I have it in messages

Throw my wallet into the driveway with everything in it you stole my wallet with my two debit cards my social security card and my ID ask anyone they will tell you that’s illegal and that is why there’s a case against you

Before you left I asked to go out in the car so I could get it and you wouldn’t let me

If you don’t want to leave it at the house then drop it off at the police station I’ll get it there today

There is no excuse now

The only reason you would not drop it off at the police station is because you know what you’re doing is illegal

The sad thing is not just my wallet that you took you actually consumed all my medication that was prescribed to me

In messages you were trying to say that my debit card is not a real debit card well here you go here’s the bank it’s from

Jeremiah Raber Green Dot credit card search

Jeremiah Raber credit card info

And in messages you are straight-up refusing to drop the wallet off at the police station

Stealing a social security card or a state ID card or two debit cards is illegal and the sheriff told me beings that our accounts are separate because we don’t have any account together it is illegal for you to use the cards and you’ve been using them and I will push for the max charge

Magic Number 2 in five… four… three …two…. one….

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